Soud rozdal tresty za nelegální výrobu cigaret v bývalé školce na Kroměřížsku

Tresty 5,5 a 5 let vězení vyměřil v úterý Krajský soud ve Zlíně dvojici podnikatelů z Kroměřížska za nelegální výrobu cigaret. Jejich pomocníci dostali podmínky. Cigarety měli podle obžaloby společně s dalšími pomocníky vyrábět Zdeněk Menšík a Vojtěch Koutný v bývalé školce v Chropyni na Kroměřížsku. Verdikt není pravomocný. Koutný se proti němu odvolal, další obžalovaní i státní zástupkyně si ponechali lhůtu na rozmyšlenou.

Manželství homosexuálů? Nemůžeme si dělat, co chceme, rodina je v krizi, říká nový šéf lidovců Výborný

Manželství je svazek muže a ženy, je osvědčené po staletí a zaslouží si ochranu zákona, tvrdí nový předseda KDU-ČSL Marek Výborný, který chce manželství zakotvit v Listině základních práv a svobod.
Když se dvě sestry rozhodnou spolu žít a pečovat o dědečka, taky mají mít právo vstoupit do manželství? ptá se politik.
Lidovce chce ve volbách vytáhnout k deseti procentům. „Chci dát straně novou sílu, musíme nabídnout témata, která budou uvěřitelná,“ plánuje Výborný.

At a Time of Rising India-Pakistan Tensions, Hotel Mumbai Has a Powerful Message

Hotel Mumbai, the thriller recounting the siege of the Taj Hotel by terrorists in 2008, offers a dramatic story as well as a foreign policy lesson. The film opens with a scene of young men at sea on a rubber raft, heading to shore. A disembodied voice gives them instructions for their mission, in Punjabi, transmitted through headsets. Once on land, they begin their terror. For two hours, Hotel Mumbai — now showing nationally in the United States — conveys the shock, horror, and heartbreak of their chilling three-day massacre across Mumbai, which left more than 160 people dead. They fire indiscriminately into crowds, execute others at point-blank range, and hold innocent people hostage. Through the stories of the hotel staff who rescue guests from the attack, the film portrays the humanity of heroism. But it also delivers a message: More than a decade on, justice for this brazen attack remains denied. The terrorist group responsible has remained at large in Pakistan. At a time when Paki..

The U.K. May Change the Rules That Turned Facebook Into an Empire. Will Other Countries Follow?

Facing potentially existential crises in the spread of targeted misinformation, hate speech and violent content on Facebook, the company’s executives have in recent days been calling for new and wide-ranging rules to govern social media companies. “I believe we need new regulation,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in an op-ed published March 30 in The Washington Post. “People shouldn’t have to rely on individual companies addressing these issues by themselves.”

Zuckerberg’s stance is a reversal from years past, when Facebook’s motto was “move fast and break things” — a time when social media companies used freedom of speech as a shield against calls for them to remove unsavory content, and when “disruption” was considered a mark of Silicon Valley success. Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites built their businesses on the principle that users, not websites, would be legally responsible for illegal postings. Thanks in part to such protections, for example, Facebook faced no..

At Least 7 People Killed in Sudan Anti-Government Demonstrations, Activists Say

(CAIRO) — Sudanese security forces tried again to break up an anti-government sit-in outside the military headquarters in the capital, Khartoum, killing at least seven people on Tuesday, activists behind the demonstrations said.

The deaths brought the total number of people killed at the sit-in since the weekend to 15, mainly from among the protesters but also including two soldiers.

The demonstration is the latest in nearly four months of anti-government protests that have plunged Sudan into its worst crisis in years. What initially erupted late last year as rallies against a spiraling economy quickly escalated into calls for an end to President Omar al-Bashir’s 30-year rule.

On Monday for the first time, leaders of the protests called on the military’s leadership to abandon al-Bashir and join their call for change. And on Tuesday, they invited military leaders to meet with their representatives to “discuss arrangements for a transition” in Sudan.

Sarah Abdel-Jaleel, spokeswoman f..

Rodina je teletník, otec býk, matka kráva. Šťavnatá vzpomínka na Václava Havla a jeho postoj ke svazkům menšin

K problematice stejnopohlavních svazků si nyní řekl své i pedagog, publicista a novinář Petr Žantovský na názorové platformě televize Prima. Připomíná slova Václava Havla, když se schvaloval zákon o registrovaném partnerství, který kritizoval ty, jež argumentovali plozením dětí: „To je pojetí rodiny jako teletníku, jako místa, kde se připouštějí býci ke kravám, aby byla telata.“ A Žantovský přidává slova o Orwellově Zvířecí farmě.