How TIME for Kids Chose the 2019 World’s Coolest Places

The world is full of amazing destinations. But which ones do kids actually want to visit?

To assemble our first annual list of the World’s 50 Coolest Places, TIME for Kids sought input from trusted experts—kids. We gathered nominations from our network of TFK Kid Reporters and from young readers around the world. Then we considered each one based on several factors, including quality, originality, sustainability, and accessibility.

The result: a list of 50 exciting, innovative, and iconic destinations around the world—from a Michelin-starred restaurant in Singapore with a gourmet kids’ menu to America’s tallest sand dunes, which are perfect for sledding.

To see the full list, click here.

Tourists Love the Mekong River’s New Aquamarine Color. But It’s a Troubling Sign

(BANGKOK) — The Mekong River has recently acquired an aquamarine color that may beguile tourists but also indicates a problem caused by upstream dams, experts in Thailand say.

The river usually has a yellowish-brown shade due to the sediment it normally carries downstream. But lately it has been running clear, taking on a blue-green hue that is a reflection of the sky. The water levels have also become unusually low, exposing sandbanks that allow the curious to stand in the middle of the river.

Low water levels pose an obvious problem for fishermen and farmers, but experts say the decline in sediment exposes a different danger that can result in greater erosion of the river’s banks and bed.

The experts and people living along the river blame a large hydroelectric dam upstream in Laos that began operating in October for contributing to both problems, though rainfall has also been sparse.

Around 70 million people depend on the Mekong River for water, food, commerce, irrigation and tr..

The U.K. General Election Will Transform the Country Whoever Wins. Here’s What to Know

In less than a week, Britain will hold its third general election since 2015 and the welfare state, national security and even Scottish independence are all high on the agenda.

But disagreements over Britain’s departure from the E.U. are looming largest over the campaign. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has promised in its official campaign slogan to “Get Brexit Done” if it wins, playing off widespread frustrations among people who voted to leave the E.U. in 2016 that, three and a half years on, Britain has still not left the European Union.

But that effort is facing a challenge from Jeremy Corbyn’s opposition Labour Party, which is promising a raft of transformational, progressive policies like pouring money into public services, nationalizing railways, providing all homes with free broadband, and investing in a “green industrial revolution” — as well as holding a second referendum on Brexit.

With Brexit now scheduled to happen by the end of January, the winner wi..

„Co pomník Heydrichovi?“ Než z nich byli „vlasovci“: Hitlerovi vojáci ze SSSR. Přesná fakta

ROZBOUŘENÝ SVĚT MARTINA KOLLERA Kdo jsou „vlasovci“, kterým chce starosta městské části Praha- Řeporyje stavět pomník a dokonce se kvůli nim předvádí v ruské státní televizi? Jakým příběhem během války na východní frontě prošli? Shrnutí jejich působení za druhé světové války přináší bezpečnostní analytik Martin Koller.

Čelíme tu hnoji. Kalousek ve sněmovně řádil

Poslanci ve čtvrtek v Poslanecké sněmovně diskutovali o auditu Evropské komise k údajnému střetu zájmů premiéra Andreje Babiše (ANO). Předseda poslaneckého klubu TOP 09 Miroslav Kalousek se ve svém projevu rozčiloval nad premiérovým laxním přístupem v této věci. „Dnes čelíme mnohem většímu hnoji než v minulosti a premiér říká, že nikdy neodstoupí,“ reagoval rozezleně na slova poslance Jaroslava Foldyny (ČSSD), jenž neváhal připomenout situaci kolem bývalého premiéra Petra Nečase.

Senátor Goláň: Zlí, sprostí, chtějí zpátky totalitu. Kdo? Důchodci

Senátor Tomáš Goláň na svém facebooku osočil důchodce, kteří podle něj tvoří naprostou většinu anonymních, agresivních lidí na sociálních sítích. Podle něj je to proto, že tito lidé prožili své mládí v období totality, a proto se k němu podvědomě vrací. „Chtějí obnovit to, co zažili v mládí – čistý totalitní systém, kde existuje jenom jedna pravda, jenom jeden oficiální směr a jenom jeden vůdce, který za ně vyřeší všechny problémy,“ pustil se do důchodců Goláň.

Klaus ml. opět naštve: Ne slovy, ale činem. Jde o Gretu. A vlastně i o Šabatovou

Dětský psychiatr Jaroslav Matýs, který se vyjádřil ke Gretě Thunbergové, nazval ji nezralým dítětem a nebral si servítky ani u autismu, nyní našel zastání u Trikolóry. Po tlaku na Ministerstvo zdravotnictví totiž rezignoval, prý nuceně, z pozic, které zastával. Nyní ho bude hájit advokát Radek Suchý, který zastával ředitelku v šátkové kauze. Matýs chce očistit své jméno.

Huawei Asks Court to Throw out U.S. Telecom Funds Ban

(SHENZHEN, China) — Chinese tech giant Huawei is asking a U.S. federal court to throw out a rule that bars rural phone carriers from using government money to purchase its equipment on security grounds.

The lawsuit announced Thursday is Huawei Technologies Ltd.’s second legal challenge this year to Trump administration efforts to reduce its already minimal U.S. market presence. The company is scrambling to preserve its global sales of smartphones and network gear following sanctions announced in May that limit access to U.S. components and technology.

Huawei, which says it is employee-owned and has no government ties, denies U.S. accusations it is a security risk and might facilitate Chinese spying.

Huawei is at the center of U.S.-Chinese tension over Beijing’s technology ambitions and complaints the communist government steals or pressures foreign companies to hand over know-how.

Huawei’s lawsuit in U.S. federal court in New Orleans says the Federal Communications Commission acted..

Mass Strike Over Pensions Tangles Transportation Across France

(PARIS) — France’s vaunted high-speed trains stood still Thursday, schools across the country shut down and the Eiffel Tower warned visitors to stay away as unions held nationwide strikes and protests over the government’s plan to overhaul the retirement system.

Paris deployed 6,000 police for what’s expected to be a major demonstration through the capital, an outpouring of anger at President Emmanuel Macron for a reform seen as threatening the hard-fought French way of life.

The Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum warned of strike disruptions, and Paris hotels struggled to fill rooms. Many visitors — including the U.S. energy secretary — canceled plans to travel to one of the world’s most-visited countries amid the strike.

Subway stations across Paris were shuttered, complicating traffic — and prompting many commuters to use shared bikes or electric scooters instead. Many workers in the Paris region worked from home or took a day off to stay with their children, since 78 percent of ..

China Says U.S. Must Cut Tariffs in Order to Reach a Trade Deal

(BEIJING) — China’s government says the United States must roll back punitive tariffs on Chinese goods if the two sides reach a trade deal.

The comments Thursday by a Commerce Ministry spokesman indicated Beijing is sticking to its demand for a tariff cut as another possible increase on Dec. 15 approaches with no agreement.

President Donald Trump announced a “Phase 1” agreement in October but the two sides have yet to agree on details.

Ministry spokesman Gao Feng said, “China believes that if the two parties reach a ‘Phase 1,’ tariffs should be reduced accordingly.”

Global financial markets tumbled this week after Trump cast doubt on whether an agreement can be reached this year.