Prezidenti Ruska, Íránu a Turecka se nedohodli na klidu zbraní v Idlibu

Prezidenti Turecka, Íránu a Ruska se v pátek podle agentury Reuters nedomluvili na klidu zbraní v severozápadní syrské provincii Idlib, kterou ovládají odpůrci syrské vlády a kde obzvlášť dominantní skupinu tvoří teroristická organizace Haját Tahrír aš-Šám (HTS), označovaná jako syrská Al-Káida. Vojenská ofenziva v oblasti by podle OSN byla humanitární katastrofou pro desetitisíce civilistů.

5 Emerging Markets Bracing for a Tough Fall

In last week’s Risk Report, I wrote about the awful summers Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Argentina’s Mauricio Macri were having. Now, their autumns look to be even worse. But at least they’ll have company—here are five emerging markets bracing for tough months ahead:

Like many other developing nations, Brazil benefited mightily from China’s meteoric rise. The commodities supercycle that Beijing fueled was a boon to resource-rich Brazil’s GDP… and to its corrupt politicians. The sprawling Lava Jato (Car Wash) corruption investigation—centered on the hundreds of millions paid by Brazilian construction giants to secure government contracts—and its related investigative offshoots has led to the convictions of more than 200 politicians and executives, and forced President Dilma Rousseff from office in August 2016. Brazil’s political system has yet to recover.

Case in point: Ahead of elections in October, the current presidential frontrunner is former President Luiz Inacio Lula..

What to Know About Sweden’s 2018 Elections

Rich, happy, stable, perhaps a little dull. Our utopian image of Sweden, with the world’s third highest standard of living and a famous welfare state, seems impervious to the kinds of dramatic political cleavages and populist insurgents that have swept the U.S. and much of Europe in recent years. But at parliamentary elections on Sunday, the far-right is likely to be a major player. Here’s what to know.

When are Sweden’s elections?
Voting takes place on Sunday, September 9 for the 349 members of the Riksdag, Sweden’s legislative chamber. Results are due in early on Monday.

Who are the main parties?
Around a fifth of Swedes are expected to vote for the Sweden Democrats, a populist anti-immigrant party with neo-Nazi roots led by 39-year-old Jimmie Åkesson.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven’s center-left Social Democrats, one of the last avowedly social democratic parties in power in Europe, are likely to get their lowest vote share in over a century. They have come first in ev..

President Trump Says He’s Ready to Tax an Additional $267 Billion in Chinese Imports

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he’s prepared to impose tariffs on an additional $267 billion in Chinese imports. Such a step would significantly escalate his trade war with Beijing and would likely increase costs for a broad range of U.S. businesses and consumers.

Those potential tariffs would come on top of tariffs Trump has said he’s poised to slap on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods — everything from handbags to bicycle tires. It would also be in addition to tariffs his administration has already imposed on $50 billion in Chinese imports, for which Beijing has retaliated with an equal amount of import taxes on U.S. goods.

“I hate to say this, but behind that there is another $267 billion ready to go on short notice if I want,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One. “That totally changes the equation.”

The trade war the president has initiated between the world’s two largest economies stems from concerns that China has deployed predatory tactics — includ..

„Scheisse Merkel!“ Chemnitz znovu ve varu. PL zjišťovaly na místě, jak je to s „hajlováním krajní pravice“. A zde je odpověď

REPORTÁŽ Kdo by čekal, že napětí v Saské Kamenici (Chemnitz), nedaleko českých hranic, polevilo, ten by se spletl. Lidé mají stále v živé paměti útok migrantů na německého občana. Vrhli se na něj s nožem. Karel Marx tak v pátek v podvečer shlížel na mohutný kordon policistů u svých nohou a na dva znepřátelené tábory, mezi kterými to jiskřilo. Pořádná porce kritiky se snesla na hlavu německé kancléřky Angely Merkelové. Server Parlamentní byl u toho. Přečtěte si, co se v Chemnitzu dělo.

„Jen deratizační prostředky na tu havěť nestačí!“ Na severu je obrovské předvolební dusno. Romové povstali

Hnutí Otevřená radnice Most včera zveřejnilo předvolební plakát se sloganem „Jen deratizační prostředky na tu havěť nestačí“. Má upozornit na řešení problémů s nepřizpůsobivými na severu Čech. Podle serveru si takový leták nezadá s nacistickou propagandou. Petr Globočník ze Zelených na Mostecku interpretoval celou záležitost jako zjevný rasismus proti Romům. Jeho kolegové dnes začali připravovat trestní oznámení. Prý jde doslova o vyzývání k vyhubení jako štěnic, napsala proromská novinářka.