Brazil’s Far-Right Candidate Jair Bolsonaro Surprises With Overwhelming Election Lead

(SAO PAULO) — A far-right former army captain who expresses nostalgia for Brazil’s military dictatorship took a strong lead in its presidential election Sunday, rallying voters to his promises to rid Latin America’s largest nation of rampant corruption, crime and moral rot.

With 92.5% of returns in, congressman Jair Bolsonaro was leading polls with 47% of the votes. If he manages more than 50%, he will win the presidency outright. If he doesn’t, he heads to a runoff with the second-place candidate.

He is trailed by Fernando Haddad, the leftist stand-in for jailed ex-President Luiz Inacio da Silva, who was barred from running. Haddad has 28% of the vote.

Polls predicted Bolsonaro would win the first round of voting but face a runoff. Bolsonaro, however, has far outperformed expectations, blazing past competitors with more financing, institutional backing of parties and free air time on television.

Ultimately, Bolsonaro’s strong showing reflects a yearning for the past as much as a s..

Polish Group Maps 255 Child Sex Abuse Cases as Pressure Mounts on the Catholic Church

(WARSAW, Poland) — A private foundation published a map Sunday showing where Catholic priests in Poland have been accused of child sexual abuse, adding pressure on the church in the predominantly Catholic country to respond.

The Have No Fear foundation, which represents abuse survivors, said the map of cases it compiled represented 255 children under age 15 who were abused by priests across Poland. The cases were drawn from court records, media reports and survivor accounts gathered by the foundation, the organization said.

More than 50 priests have been convicted of abusing children, according to the foundation. Some of them served time in prison and were reassigned to new parishes when they got out, it said.

Clergy abuse, both alleged and substantiated in court, has put church leaders in Poland under growing pressure to confront the problem. Poland’s bishops’ conference has said it is working on a report on the scale of pedophilia in the church, due to be published by the end of N..

Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren’t on Track to Do Any of Them

Climate scientists have understood for decades that unchecked, man-made global warming will wreak havoc on human civilization. The challenge has only grown more urgent as the scientific understanding expands and the world begins to feel the impacts.

Now, a landmark U.N. report offers both a glimmer of hope and a giant warning. Scientists and policymakers have the knowhow to address climate change and stave off some of the worst effects of the phenomenon, but political leaders are nowhere close to fully undertaking any of these steps, the report shows.

Scientists on the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) point to a global temperature rise of 1.5°C as a threshold the planet cannot cross without seeing the worst effects of climate change. Yet according to the U.N. organization’s latest report, temperatures have already risen 1°C as a result of human activity, and the planet could pass the 1.5°C threshold as early as 2030 if greenhouse gas emissions cont..

Kubera pro PL po volbách vyřkl jasná slova o Jiřím Drahošovi

ROZHOVOR Jiří Drahoš předsedou Senátu? „To je naprostý nesmysl. Protože pan Drahoš, při vší úctě, je naprostý novic, vojensky řečeno bažant,“ říká ParlamentnímListů obhajující senátor Jaroslav Kubera. Promluvil o výsledcích jak v komunálních, tak v senátních volbách a odpověděl na otázku, zda by on měl zájem o zmíněný post šéfa horní komory Parlamentu.

Kyjev a Budapešť rozhádalo občanství

Vyhoštěním diplomatů vyvrcholil nový konflikt mezi Ukrajinou a Maďarskem. Diplomatickou roztržku způsobilo slavnostní „vítání občanů“ na maďarském konzulátu v zakarpatském Berehovu. Tajně natočené video s cinkáním skleniček a slibováním věrnosti Maďarsku, které minulý měsíc zveřejnila státní ukrajinská agentura Ukrinform, má na svědomí čtvrteční vyhoštění diplomatů z obou zemí.