People Are Leaving Floral Tributes at Mosques Around the World After the New Zealand Attack
In the wake of a terror attack on two Christchurch mosques that took the lives of 49 people and injured at least 20, people have been expressing their sympathies for the victims by leaving flowers at local mosques in New Zealand and around the world.
A post by New Zealand’s public broadcasting station showed flowers left outside a mosque in Auckland.
Floral tributes at the gate of the Al Masjid al Jamie mosque in Ponsonby, Auckland have been arriving since yesterday.
One man laying flowers this morning, Richard, says it was a way of saying 'we are thinking of you and we are one'.
— RNZ (@radionz) March 15, 2019
Soon after, images of similar memorials at other mosques around the country began to appear on Twitter.
Meghan Stewart-Ward says she brought flowers to Dunedin's mosque to show her love and support for the Muslim community . „The majority of people in New Zealand are here to support you and respect your right to worship freely.“ #C..