Foldyna udeřil ze severu: Ti žvanilové v Praze si hrají na uvědomělé levičáky. Ale nevědí, kde má fabrika dveře. Znají jen malostranské kanceláře, možná ty v Bruselu!

ROZHOVOR Sociální demokracie si střílí góly do vlastní branky. Tak komentuje poslední politické události poslanec za ČSSD Jaroslav Foldyna žijící v Děčíně na Ústecku. Prohlásil, že strana je bezbarvá a bez zápachu a konflikt kolem ministra kultury označil za jeden z nejhůře vnímaných tahů sociální demokracie v politice. ČSSD podle Foldyny bývala volbou pro „lidi práce“, dnes však plošně rozdává dávky a pomoci všem prý prostě nelze. V rozhovoru také zkritizoval celý systém sociálních dávek, na nějž doplácí například senioři, kteří celý život pracovali.

Amid Peace Talks, Taliban Launch ‘Massive Attack’ on Afghan City of Kunduz

(KABUL, Afghanistan) — The Taliban launched a new large-scale attack on one of Afghanistan’s main cities, Kunduz, killing at least three civilians, government officials said Saturday, even as the insurgent group continued negotiations with the United States on ending America’s longest war.

The militants, who have demanded that all foreign forces leave Afghanistan, now control or hold sway over roughly half of the country and are at their strongest since their 2001 defeat by a U.S.-led invasion. Such attacks are seen as strengthening their negotiating position.

Afghan officials confirmed casualties among security forces but did not say how many, and said at least 26 Taliban members were killed in an airstrike. They said security forces were repelling the attack in Kunduz, a strategic crossroads with easy access to much of northern Afghanistan as well as the capital, Kabul, about 200 miles (335 kilometers) away.

Presidential spokesman Sediq Seddiqi told reporters the assault was “comp..

Architect Debuts Two-Faced ‘Vampire’ Donald Trump Statue in Slovenia

(SELA PRI KAMNIKU, Slovenia) — There’s no mistaking it depicts Donald Trump: a large wooden statue of the U.S. president has been erected in Slovenia, the homeland of his wife Melania.

The nearly eight-meter high (26 feet) construction shows Trump with his trademark hair style, blue suit, white shirt and a long red tie. His right arm — fist clenched — is raised high like that of New York’s Statue of Liberty. When triggered, a mechanism opens a red-painted mouth and shark-like teeth appear. “Like all populists, the statue has two faces,” its creator, Tomaz Schlegl, said. “One is humane and nice, the other is that of a vampire.”

Darko Bandic—AP A wooden structure made to resemble US President Donald Trump is constructed in the village of Sela pri Kamniku, about 20 miles northeast of Ljubljana in Slovenia. The monument was built on private property among the lush greens and rolling hills of the sleepy village of Sela pri Kamniku, some 30 kilometers (20 miles) northeast of the Slovenian ..

There Are More Fires Burning in Africa Than Anywhere Else on Earth

(DAKAR, Senegal) — As the world has watched with fear and fascination the fires burning in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, satellite images show a far greater number of blazes on the African continent.

NASA has called Africa the “fire continent,” home to at least 70% of the 10,000 fires burning worldwide on an average August day, though the agency says the number of fires is consistent from year to year.

While French President Emmanuel Macron has said he is considering launching an international campaign to help sub-Saharan African countries fight fires, experts say the situation there is different and not yet a growing problem — though it could become a threat in future. Angola had almost three times more fires than Brazil over a period last week, according to NASA satellite imagery, which indicated around 6,000 fires in Angola, more than 3,000 in Congo and just over 2,000 in Brazil.

Though Angola and Congo dominate in numbers of fires, they often occur in sparsely wooded savannas and ..

Zalykají se rozkoší při vzpomínce na Letnou s Milionem chvilek. Ale jen pár kilometrů za Prahou… Petr Žantovský kazí radost antibabišovským silám

TÝDEN V MÉDIÍCH Za podvod a propagandu od začátku do konce považuje Petr Žantovský článek na Novinkách, který čerpal ze zdroje České tiskové kanceláře. Text má vzbudit dojem, že dezinformace jsou velký byznys a tvůrci falešných zpráv si přijdou na miliardy. Celé je to korunováno pochybnou anketou a reklamou na knížku „brněnského Jakuba Jandy“. V pravidelném přehledu mediálních zajímavostí analytik vyzdvihuje dva komentáře, z nichž jeden se zabývá tím, jak se antibabišovské politické síly až zalykají rozkoší při vzpomínce na Letnou s davem Milionu chvilek, a druhý tím, jak myšlenky neomarxismu nebo socialismu oslovují mladou generací.

Mocná americká neziskovka svrhává režimy po celém světě. Zaostřeno má i na nás, tvrdí zkušený novinář z Ženevy

ROZHOVOR Zkušený novinář, pobývající v Ženevě, komentátor zpravodajství webu Jan Vítek v rozhovoru předkládá nekonformní pohled na světové události posledních let. V hlavní roli vždy figurují Spojené státy americké a organizace National Endowment for Democracy (NED), která od svého vzniku podle Vítka přebrala aktivity CIA (nejmocnější americké zpravodajské služby). Ukrajina, Hongkong, Jižní Amerika i střední Evropa, tam všude Vítek vidí stopy Američanů a úsilí NED o změnu režimu. A jde prý i o Českou republiku a prezidenta Miloše Zemana. Máme se údajně na co těšit.

Kalouska prý takhle nikdo nesetřel už dvacet let. Za zavřenými dveřmi TOP 09 se děly věci, o nichž se neměl nikdo dozvědět

Situace v TOP 09 je stabilizovaná. Současný šéf Jiří Pospíšil, jak ostatně sám řekl, byl předsedou, když byly komunální a evropské volby „a v obou případech jsem vedl TOP 09 do těchto voleb a v obou případech jsme získali dvouciferný výsledek“. Jestli byl někdo, kdo tento výsledek nechválil a vnitřně zuřil, byl to právě exministr financí Miroslav Kalousek. Ten je s Jiřím Pospíšilem takzvaně na nože už od jeho volby předsedou TOPky.

A Fight Over Subsidies for 2 Ohio Nuclear Plants Draws Claim That China Is ‘Invading’ the Electric Grid

(Bloomberg) –– The voice on the television ad sounds ominous. “The Chinese government is quietly invading our American electric grid,” it says. “Now they’re coming for our energy jobs.”

As the narrator speaks, images of marching soldiers and President Xi Jinping flash across the screen. It ends with a warning: “Don’t sign the petition allowing China to control Ohio’s power.”

The commercial, which has the air of a political-attack ad, is the latest and most bizarre salvo in a bitter fight over a new Ohio law subsidizing two struggling nuclear power plants owned by bankrupt FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.

For months, debate over the measure has spilled beyond the state’s borders. A member of President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, Bob Paduchik, urged Ohio lawmakers to support the legislation and stressed that the president backed it, too. And the measure drew opposition from groups as diverse as the Sierra Club and billionaire Charles Koch’s political organization, which blasted it..

The Invasion of Poland Wasn’t Hitler’s First Aggression. Here’s Why That Move Marked the Beginning of WWII

After roughly 1.5 million German soldiers, more than 2,000 airplanes and more than 2,500 tanks crossed the Polish border on Sept. 1, 1939, the British gave Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler an ultimatum: pull out of Poland, or else. Hitler ignored the demand, and two days later, on Sept. 3, 1939, Britain and France declared war. Thus began World War II, and this weekend Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Poland to mark the anniversary of that event.

But the invasion of Poland wasn’t the first time German forces had been put to work for Hitler’s goal of European domination. Previously, however, the other European powers had pursued a strategy of appeasement, giving Hitler what they deemed reasonable concessions, in order to avoid all-out war. That strategy reached its apex when the three parties signed the Munich Agreement on Sept. 30, 1938, giving Hitler the German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia, known as the Sudetenland, on the condition that he would not invade any more territory. B..