Tam, kde v Praze vládne politik Čižinský a jeho kamarádi prodávají tvrdý alkohol: „Chlastá se od rána, hulí se marihuána, děti pokřikují do zm*dů…“

Stalin neboli prostor na Praze 7, kde vládne starosta a poslanec za KDU-ČSL Jan Čižinský, je mezi obyvateli metropole znám výraznou benevolencí. ParlamentníListy.cz se tam proto vydaly a vyzpovídaly několik místních. Šlo o lidi, kteří zde procházeli, a jak se ukázalo, tak na Praze 7 dlouhá léta žijí.

Aktivistka Greta, sex s Dánem, prezervativ z ovčího střívka… Tyto obrázky pobouřily veřejnost

Pobouření na sociální síti Twitter vzbudil komiks z Reflexu se švédskou ekologickou aktivistkou Gretou Thunbergovou, která dala podnět pro vznik hnutí školních stávek pro klima (Fridays for Future). V něm je popsán její příběh o tom, jak přišla o svou „poctivost“ a jak neekologicky se zachovala při výběru sexuální ochrany. Pomyslnou třešničku na dortu pak v závěru představuje její matka, jež jí za její chování důsledně vyčiní. V následné živé diskusi se pak mezi veřejností strhly dohady, zda je správné zesměšňovat a sexualizovat takto mladou dívku, či nikoli.

Protestors Amass Across U.K. Over Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit Parliament Suspension

(LONDON) — Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s provocative decision to suspend the British Parliament for a time before the country’s deadline for leaving the European Union came under fire Saturday in London and other cities where protesters took to the streets.

The demonstrations were called ahead of what is expected to be a pitched debate in Parliament this week as Johnson’s opponents scramble to try to pass legislation that would block him from carrying out Brexit on Oct. 31 without an approved withdrawal agreement.

An estimated 10,000 people gathered in central London, while others protested in in Belfast, York and others cities to show determination to block a “no deal” Brexit. Protesters in London briefly blocked traffic on a downtown bridge and in Trafalgar Square.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who had urged his supporters to come out in large numbers, told thousands of people at a rally in Glasgow, Scotland that the message to Johnson was simple: “No way. It’s our Parliamen..

Knife Attack In Lyon, France Leaves 1 Dead, 9 Injured

(VILLEURBANNE, France) — Police detained an Afghan man seeking asylum in France after one person was fatally stabbed and nine others injured Saturday outside a subway station near the city of Lyon, authorities said. The reason for the attack was unclear.

The assailant was a 33-year-old Afghan citizen who had applied for asylum in France and was awaiting a response, according to a national police official. The attacker provided contradictory information to police, but that the attack did not appear to be terrorism-related, two French officials told The Associated Press.

The victim who died was a 19-year-old man, and it was unclear if he knew the attacker, according to local police. Three of the injured are in critical condition, officials said.

The subway station in the Lyon suburb of Villeurbanne was cordoned off, with police combing the area.

A manhunt was initially launched for a second attacker but police later determined that the detained man was the main suspect, two officials..

As Protests Rage, Hong Kong Police Storm Subway With Batons, Pepper Spray

(HONG KONG) — Protesters in Hong Kong threw gasoline bombs at government headquarters and set fires in the streets on Saturday, while police stormed a subway car and hit passengers with batons and pepper spray in scenes that seem certain to inflame tensions further in a city riven by nearly three months of pro-democracy demonstrations.

Police had denied permission for a march to mark the fifth anniversary of a decision by China against fully democratic elections in Hong Kong, but protesters took to the streets anyway, as they have all summer. They provoked and obstructed the police repeatedly but generally retreated once riot officers moved in, avoiding some of the direct clashes that characterized earlier protests.

Late at night, though, video from Hong Kong broadcaster TVB showed police using batons while on the platform of Prince Edward subway station and swinging batons at passengers who backed into one end of a train car behind umbrellas. The video also shows pepper spray being ..

Greta ve světě, Minář u nás! Docent Valenčík upozorňuje na významnou věc. Co u nich oslavuje mediální mainstream

PŮLNOČNÍ ROZHOVOR Nejen explozi nepochopitelné iracionality vytýká socialistům vysokoškolský pedagog docent Radim Valenčík. Ten také upozorňuje na oslavování „nedouctví“. „Všimněte si, že mediální mainstream vehementě podporuje lidi, kteří o sobě prohlašují, že se nebudou učit, aby mohli dělat vůdce, kteří povedou lidi k vyřešení problémů u nás (Minář) či ve světě (Greta).“