Šokující zvěst o Moravcovi a Fridrichové: Jsou v ohrožení. A nejen oni

Poslanec hnutí ANO a někdejší moderátor hudebního pořadu Medúza Aleš Juchelka by rád reguloval vyjadřování veřejnoprávních novinářů na sociálních sítích. Argumentuje tím, že přísné úpravy pro vyjadřování novinářů ve veřejném prostoru platí v celé řadě zemí, včetně např. Velké Británie. Server Forum24.cz varuje, že Juchelkovi nejde o nic menšího než o umlčení nepohodlných pracovníků ČT, kupříkladu Václava Moravce či Nory Fridrichové.

Peru’s President Has Dissolved Congress Amid an Anti-Corruption Push

LIMA, Peru (AP) — Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra dissolved congress Monday, exercising seldom used executive powers to shut down the opposition-controlled legislature that he accuses of stonewalling attempts to curb widespread corruption.

In a televised address, Vizcarra told the South American nation that he had decided to call new legislative elections after lawmakers proceeded with holding a controversial vote to replace almost all the members of the Constitutional Tribunal.

“We are making history that will be remembered by future generations,” he said. “And when they do, I hope they understand the magnitude of this fight that we are in today against an endemic evil that has caused much harm to our country.”

The stunning turn could spell new instability as Peru grapples with the fallout of the Odebrecht corruption scandal, plummeting faith in public institutions and an inexperienced president struggling to govern.

Nonetheless, Vizcarra’s decision is likely to be widely welco..

China’s National Day Parade Showcases Growing Economic and Military Might

(BEIJING) — Trucks carrying weapons including a nuclear-capable missile designed to evade U.S. defenses rumbled through Beijing on Tuesday as the Communist Party celebrated its 70th anniversary in power with a military parade that showcased its emergence as an increasingly ambitious global power.

The military showed off China’s most advanced weapons, some being shown for the first time, as rows of soldiers marched in lockstep past President Xi Jinping and other leaders in Tiananmen Square, the country’s symbolic political heart. Thousands of spectators waved Chinese flags and fighter jets flew low overhead.

“No force can shake the status of our great motherland, and no force can stop the progress of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation,” Xi, wearing a gray Mao jacket, said in a nationally televised speech.

Xi was joined on the Tiananmen rostrum by Chinese leaders including Premier Li Keqiang and former Presidents Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin.

The event marks the anniversary of th..

Hong Kong Protesters Defy Police to Call for Greater Freedom on China’s National Day

Pro-democracy politicians defied a police ban to lead a march through downtown Hong Kong on Tuesday, China’s National Day, calling for reform and greater autonomy from Beijing.

Tens of thousands of black-clad protesters began gathering in the early afternoon at the Causeway Bay retail and entertainment district. Chanting “Fight for freedom!”—and the democracy movement’s slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time!”—they set off for the city center. At the head of the march, veteran campaigners Albert Ho and Lee Cheuk-yan carried a banner that read “End dictatorship, return power to the people.”

Marchers also sang “Glory to Hong Kong,” a song that many are calling the enclave’s “national anthem.”

Said Danny Wo, a taxi driver who joined the march: “I wish for Hong Kong independence. I am not Chinese, I am a Hongkonger. Hong Kong is still a colony under this Chinese government.”

“It’s the 70th anniversary of China, so it’s even more important to come out today,” added Apple, a ..

Obyčejný člověk neměl šanci vidět, jak výročí Sametu slavila top smetánka v čele s Drahošem. Jenže my tam měli zdroj a ten vám vrazí sirky mezi víčka

Zahajovací koncert sezony 2019/20 k 30. výročí sametové revoluce proběhl na půdě Národního divadla v Praze úspěšně. Stejnou atmosféru měla i seance, která následovala hned po jeho skončení. Ačkoli se na ni běžní diváci a překvapivě ani řada zaměstnanců divadla neměla šanci dostat, ParlamentníListy.cz získaly podnětné svědectví o jejím průběhu.

„Gretu konečně sejmuli, já mám strašnou historku.“ Šok o Soukupovi a ČT. Pozor, Milion chvilek… U Xavera to jelo na plné pecky

Luboš Xaver Veselý nově zaměstnal komentátora Info.cz Petra Holce v pořadu Podtrženo sečteno. Holec hned na začátku naložil Gretě Thunbergové a prohlásil, že je rád, že ji Andrej Babiš „sejmul“. Komunisté jsou prý v agonii a snaží se zachránit, ale neví jak. Moderátoři ČT by měli zveřejnit své platy. O ČT se prý začal zajímat i spolek Milion chvilek. „Myslím, že na to nedostane čtvrt milionu lidí na Letnou,“ odhadl komentátor. A nejvíce urazil ředitele TV Barrandov Jaromíra Soukupa. Přirovnal ho ke Gretě Thunbergové. A řekl, že by se skvěle hodil do Newsroomu ČT24.

Sex si pleteme s láskou, porno sledují už děti, monogamie je kulturní dohoda, říká sexuoložka Fifková

Sex ovládá spoustu vztahů. Lidé si často pletou sex a zamilovanost s láskou, lásku by bylo lepší vnímat až jako ten další cit poté, co zamilování skončí. Mnoho lidí jsou celoživotními štvanci zamilovanosti a v lásku ji neumí překlopit, říká sexuoložka Hana Fifková.
V dlouhodobých vztazích je lepší zaměnit kvantitu sexuálního života za kvalitu, dodává.

,,Lež, Greto a mládeži! Že 97% vědců je s vámi.” Profesor Holoubek, činný v OSN, nastoluje fakta o klimatu

NEKOREKTNÍ PROFESOR Spousta lidí má pocit, že zcela jistě rozumí otázkám klimatu. Ve veřejném prostoru se zpochybňuje cokoli seriózního, co se v tomto smyslu řekne. Klimatologům je módní nevěřit, protože každý ví lépe, jak planeta funguje. Profesor Ivan Holoubek, který se ve své vědeckovýzkumné činnosti zaměřuje na osud a vlivy chemických látek v prostředí a hodnocení vlivů na životní prostředí, tvrdí, že tomu tak rozhodně není. Je podle něj dobré si uvědomit, že o problémech, které jsou dnes považovány za možné příčiny klimatických změn, se mluví padesát let, stejně jako o problémech znečištění složek prostředí a vlivu na lidské zdraví.

‘We Know How to Keep the Balance of Nature’. Why Including Indigenous People Is Vital to Solving Climate Change

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, from the Mbororo pastoralist community in Chad, has spent a decade trying to get international policy on climate change to consider perspectives from indigenous communities like her own. In the lead up to the historic 2015 climate-change meetings in Paris, she was designated as co-chair of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change, established in 2008 as the caucus for indigenous people participating in the U.N. Climate Summit. And she has worked with the government of Chad on their Nationally Determined Contributions plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions in a feasible way.

Ibrahim tells TIME what lessons indigenous communities hold for the rest of the world in protecting the environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change.

There cannot be a solution to combat climate change if it does not include indigenous people. The wisdom we hold is based on living in harmony with nature. We know how to keep the balance of nature. If you are..

President Trump Sought Australia’s Help to Investigate Russia Probe Origins

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump recently asked the Australian prime minister and other foreign leaders to help Attorney General William Barr with an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe that shadowed his administration for more than two years, the Justice Department said Monday.

Justice spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said Trump made the calls on Barr’s behalf.

“At Attorney General Barr’s request, the President has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the Attorney General and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials,” Kupec said.

Trump was requesting help for U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation outraged Trump, who cast it as a politically motivated “witch hunt.”

Mueller wrapped up his report earlier this year with an inconclusive finding about Trump — the president was not charged with any crimes, but Mueller pointedly said he did not..

The Climate Crisis is Global, but These 6 Places Face the Most Severe Consequences

Climate change is expected to affect every country in the world, but its impact will not be felt equally across all regions and some will be worse hit than others because of a range of different threats.

Developing countries, places with widespread poverty, and countries with ineffective governments sometimes face the gravest risks from the changing climate, and are usually poorly equipped to find ways to prepare for and prevent environmental threats.

Measuring the future impact of climate change is very challenging, because scientists’ climate change projections cannot be completely exact and because there are many different factors that come into play such as the risk of extreme weather events and rising temperatures. There are other non-climatic factors that also determine how severely a city or country will be impacted by climate change. Niall Smith, who analyzes regions’ climate change vulnerability for the global risk consulting firm Maplecroft, tells TIME that it’s also necess..