Reakce Andreje Babiše: Argumenty pro úřednický areál v Letňanech existují
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(LEOGANE, Haiti) — Gabriel Duvalesse squatted slightly as he prepared to push 50 gallons (190 liters) of cooking oil in an old wheelbarrow to an outdoors market an hour away so he could earn $1.
It was his first job in seven days as deadly protests paralyze Haiti’s economy and shutter businesses and schools. Opposition leaders and thousands of supporters are demanding the resignation of President Jovenel Moïse amid anger over government corruption, ballooning inflation and scarcity of fuel and other basic goods.
Seventeen people have been reported killed and nearly 200 injured in the protests.
The political turmoil is hitting cities and towns outside the capital of Port-au-Prince especially hard, forcing non-government organizations to suspend aid as barricades of large rocks and burning tires cut off the flow of goods between the city and the countryside. The crisis is deepening poverty in places such as Leogane, the epicenter of Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake.
“We are starvi..
(BEIRUT) — U.S.-backed Kurdish-led forces in Syria said American troops began withdrawing Monday from northeast Syria ahead of a Turkish invasion that the Kurds say will overturn five years of achievements in the battle against the Islamic State group.
The Syrian Kurdish fighters also accused Washington of failing to abide by its commitments to its key allies in the fight against IS. It’s a major shift in U.S. policy.
The American withdrawal came just hours after the White House said U.S. forces in northeastern Syria will move aside and clear the way for an expected Turkish assault — essentially abandoning Kurdish fighters who fought alongside American forces in the yearslong battle to defeat the Islamic State group.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened for months to launch the military operation across the border. He views the Syria Kurdish forces as a threat to his country as Ankara has struggled with a Kurdish insurgency within Turkey.
In the U.S., Republicans a..
Huge screens live-streamed Beijing’s grandiose military parade, and colorful fireworks flashed above the city’s glitzy casinos, as Macau commemorated China’s National Day on Oct. 1. Not everyone, however, was in the mood to celebrate. Jason Chao—one of Macau’s most outspoken democracy and human rights activists—had spent weeks applying to hold a peaceful protest in his hometown. Authorities denied his initial application in September, and late on the eve of the Oct. 1 holiday—the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China—he found out that authorities had shot down his appeal.
Chao had planned to gather 15 people to carry placards and posters opposing alleged police brutality in Hong Kong, China’s other Special Administrative Region (SAR) as the two semi-autonomous enclaves are called. In Hong Kong—where protests against a controversial piece of legislation have escalated into an anti-communist rebellion—it was tear gas and Molotov cocktails lighting up the sky..
Europoslanec Jan Zahradil (ODS) reagoval na šéfredaktora serveru Pavla Šafra, jenž mimochodem v minulých dnech tvrdil, že zesnulý zpěvák Karel Gott je kromě úspěchu i symbolem národního selhání.
Úmrtí herečky Vlasty Chramostové, a zejména slova předsedy Ústavního soudu Pavla Rychetského rozpoutala diskuzi o tom, kdo je hodnější státního pohřbu, zda nedávno zemřelý zpěvák Karel Gott, nebo právě herečka disidentka. Martin Freund z Žít Brno teoretizoval, že by ještě mohl umřít „hajzl Jakeš“, aby byla sestava kompletní. Jiří Ovčáček mluvil o „posedlých vepřích“. Marketér Jakub Horák zase mluvil o tom, že mu docvaklo, „proč je ten Rychetský kokot“. Přidali se i Janda a Žantovský.
ROZHOVOR Jak vzpomíná Jiří Holík na Karla Gotta? Zadal si s bývalým režimem? Byl by pro uspořádání státního pohřbu? Co mu vadí na současné politice? A jak se dívá na kauzu kolem památníku maršála Koněva? O tom všem legendární hokejista, trojnásobný světový šampion, olympijský medailista a sedminásobný mistr československé hokejové ligy s Parlamentní
Začíná to psychickým terorem, který může přerůst v teror fyzický. Jeden syn zlomil svojí matce nohu tak, že skončila v invalidním důchodu, líčí Kateřina Kovářová, scenáristka dokumentu z cyklu Z lásky nenávist, který v úterý uvede ČT.
Týrání seniorů začíná vždy stejně – přepsáním majetku na děti a tím, že senior důvěřuje domluvě s potomkem.
Přiznat problém v rodině je přitom velmi těžké, říká.
(BAGHDAD) — Seven anti-government demonstrators were killed Sunday in ongoing protests in the capital Baghdad, the latest fatalities in six days of clashes that have left more than 100 dead and thousands wounded.
Iraq’s government has scrambled to contain the popular anger that has racked Baghdad and a number of southern cities since Tuesday. Security forces responded with a crackdown on the spontaneous rallies of demonstrators demanding jobs, better services and an end to endemic corruption in the oil-rich country.
In the first official statement from the government accounting for the violence, Interior Ministry spokesman Saad Maan said Sunday that 104 people had been killed in the six days of unrest, including eight members of the security forces, and more than 6,000 wounded. He said an investigation was under way to determine who was behind the most deadly day of violence, in Baghdad on Friday.
The unrest is the most serious challenge facing Iraq two years after the victory again..
Jako každou neděli i dnes premiér Andrej Babiš (ANO) sepsal své facebookové hlášení „Čau, lidi“. Věnoval se v něm například odchodu legendárního zpěváka Karla Gotta, „nesmyslným“ podmínkám pražského primátora Zdeňka Hřiba, které si klade, aby bylo zahájeno jednání o výstavbě vládní čtvrti v Letňanech, kvůli níž vedou spor, nebo tomu, co je cílem uhelné komise.
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