Aung San Suu Kyi Says Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis Could Have Been ‘Handled Better’

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi acknowledged Thursday that her government could have better handled the violence against Rohingya Muslims in the country’s western Rakhine state. U.N. investigators have said the campaign by the Myanmar military was carried out with “genocidal intent.”

Since Aug. 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya fled into neighboring Bangladesh amid what they described as a brutal campaign of gang rape, arson and mass killing. The ethnic cleansing operation has spawned one of the largest, ongoing humanitarian catastrophes, but the military has largely denied wrongdoing.

Suu Kyi, a onetime democracy icon, sparked international ire for standing by the armed forces. U.N. experts accused her administration of allowing hate speech to thrive, while also failing to protect minorities from military atrocities.

“There are of course ways in which, with hindsight, the situation could’ve been handled better,” Suu Kyi said at the World Economic Forum on ASEAN in the Vietnamese cap..

A Vehicle Attack in Central China Has Left 11 People Dead and 44 Injured

(BEIJING) — The death toll has risen to 11 with another 44 people hospitalized after a man allegedly drove an SUV deliberately into a crowd in central China before jumping out and attacking victims with a dagger and shovel, local authorities said Thursday.

The Hengyang city government said the suspect in the case had previous convictions for crimes including drug trafficking, theft and assault and, acting alone, had sought to “get revenge on society.”

That appeared to rule out terrorism, although vehicles have previously been used in attacks blamed on militant Muslim separatists from the Uighur ethnic minority group.

Police identified the suspect as 54-year-old Yang Zanyun from Hengyang’s Hengdong county in the largely agricultural province of Hunan.

Tuesday night’s attack happened in a public square where Chinese typically gather to dance in groups or enjoy the cool evening breezes. The SUV apparently appeared without warning, jumping the curb before plowing into the crowd.


Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim: We Must Move on From ‘Tortures of the Past’

Almost exactly two decades since he was ousted from power, Malaysia’s reformist icon Anwar Ibrahim is staging a political comeback. Once one of the nation’s most powerful men, Anwar spent much of the past 20 years jailed under two sodomy charges, largely viewed as politically-motivated. In a startling twist, he’s now back on track to the nation’s highest office after teaming up with his nemesis to wrest the country from a kleptocratic government engulfed in scandal.

The producers of House of Cards could hardly have envisioned a more dramatic feud than the one that unfolded among Malaysia’s political titans. This week, a new episode begins as Anwar, the former deputy prime minister, announced he will contest a parliamentary seat, taking the first step in a path to succeed Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

Unable to join this year’s elections because he was still behind bars, Anwar, now 71, agreed to have Mahathir lead his opposition coalition with the understanding that the reins would..

Vítr v hurikánu Florence zeslábl, spadnout by ale měl až metr vody

Americké úřady nařídily kvůli hurikánu Florence, který se blíží k východnímu pobřeží USA, evakuaci 1,7 miliónu obyvatel Severní a Jižní Karoliny a Virginie. Hurikán sice zeslábl na bouři druhé kategorie, podle meteorologů ale vítr není to největší nebezpečí. Obávají se především množství vody, která má spadnout. Mělo by to být mezi 700 až 1150 milimetry. To pravděpodobně způsobí velké záplavy.

Zemandertálec nebo debobrizace. Lidé si rádi hrají se slovy, říká autor Češtiny 2.0

Lidé rádi reagují na společenské události, politickou situaci a na to, co se děje na sociálních sítích, říká Martin Kavka.
Do slovníku nazvaného Čeština 2.0 shromáždil za deset let už více než jedenáct tisíc hesel.
Češi jsou vtipní, prvek slovní komiky je hodně přítomný, říká bývalý novinář.
Všechna slova mu projdou pod rukama, cenzura je prý ale minimální. To, že nějaké výrazy nezařadím do slovníku, neznamená, že je lidé nebudou používat, vysvětluje Kavka.

Jindřich Šídlo, zamlčení mrtví, prý prasárna. Možná mu budou nadávat, ale zvolili ho poslanci: Váš veřejnoprávní radní promlouvá

NEWSROOM TOMÁŠE KŇOURKA Vražda mladé studentky nelegálním imigrantem se pro jednoho novináře jeví jako banální mord. Když je třeba zachránit kůži Petru Fischerovi, šéfredaktorovi Českého rozhlasu Vltava, odvysílá Česká televize reportáž, v níž zazní pouze hlasy jeho kamarádů. Pořad Newsroom ČT24 se sice specializuje na mediální scénu, ale o flastrech udělených Radou pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání informuje jen tehdy, pokud se to týká těch špatných médií. To je výběr postřehů člena Rady Českého rozhlasu Tomáše Kňourka k dění na domácí mediální scéně.

Kolaboranti! To Poche. Tak co, Babiši? Lžete, je to jinak, začalo peklo kvůli Maďarsku

Čeští europoslanci hlasovali o „potrestání“ Maďarska. Ti, kteří zvedli ruku pro, sklízejí nyní ostrou kritiku. „Projevili se evropští kolaboranti,“ zhrozil se nad jejich stanoviskem na sociální síti poslanec ODS Václav Klaus mladší. „Poche se diskvalifikoval pro roli ministra zahraničí,“ přidal se bývalý europoslanec Petr Mach. Ozvaly se i výsměšné reakce na to, že mezitím, co europoslanci za ANO hlasují pro trestání Maďarska, premiér Andrej Babiš se fotí se svým maďarským protějškem Viktorem Orbánem.

The Global Fight Against Climate Change Just Stalled. The Clock to Restart It Is Ticking

When President Donald Trump announced last year that he would withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on climate change, other world leaders pledged that they would not slow their own efforts down.

But the fight against climate change has now hit a roadblock.

Several key countries are not meeting the commitments they laid out to reduce emissions even before the Paris Agreement was negotiated, heightening concerns about ongoing negotiations on how to implement the global climate pact.

Here in San Francisco, where California Gov. Jerry Brown has convened a summit of government officials, climate activists and environmental policymakers, enthusiasm runs high for a wide range of climate change initiatives that will move the needle on global emissions, but top figures in the climate world also acknowledge that current efforts are not enough to stem serious climate change.

“The world is not achieving the goals under Paris. It’s stalled,” Brown tells TIME. “We’ve got to wake up.”

A re..

Why Trump’s Closure of the Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in Washington Could Backfire

The Trump Administration announced plans Monday to close the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) mission in Washington D.C., sparking visceral reactions from Palestinian officials. The mission, which serves as a de facto embassy Palestinian embassy, has been given a month to pack up. The move was described by PLO Executive Committee Member Hanan Ashrawi as “crude and vicious blackmail” while the head of the PLO Delegation to the United States, Ambassador Husam Zomlot, called it part of an “ongoing campaign to liquidate our [Palestinian] rights and cause.”

The intensity of the Palestinian reactions cannot be explained purely by Monday’s announcement. After all, the PLO mission in Washington was regularly bypassed by senior Palestinian leaders in Ramallah who preferred to directly engage with U.S. officials—whether in terms of bilateral U.S.-Palestinian relations or regarding matters relating to the peace process.

But the move is particularly symbolic. And with an escalatory dynami..