President Trump Promises to ‘Find Out What Happened’ to Missing Journalist Jamal Khashoggi

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump declared Friday the U.S. will uncover the truth about what happened to journalist and U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi, whose possible murder at Saudi hands after disappearing in Istanbul has captured worldwide attention. Trump promised to personally call Saudi Arabia’s King Salman soon about “the terrible situation in Turkey.”

“We’re going to find out what happened,” Trump pledged when questioned by reporters in Cincinnati where he was headlining a political rally.

Khashoggi, a forceful critic of the Saudi government, went missing more than a week ago after entering a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, and Turkish officials have said they believe he was murdered there. U.S. officials say they are seeking answers from the Saudi government and are not yet accepting the Turkish government’s conclusions.

The Saudis have called accusations that they are responsible for Khashoggi’s disappearance “baseless.” Widely broadcast video shows the 59-year-old writer ..

Pope Francis Defrocked Two More Chilean Priests Accused of Sex Abuse Amid Global Crisis

(VATICAN CITY) — Pope Francis on Saturday defrocked two more Chilean prelates accused of sexually abusing minors, and to show greater transparency about how he’s responding to the church’s global sex abuse crisis, the pontiff publicly explained why they were removed.

The Vatican’s unusually detailed statement announcing the laicization of Jose Cox Huneeus and Marco Antonio Ordenes Fernandez signaled a new degree of transparency following past missteps that appeared to underestimate the gravity of the scandal.

Explaining the latest removals as Chile’s church is called to account for decades of sexual abuse and cover-ups, the statement made clear the two were defrocked for abusing minors with evidence so overwhelming that a canonical trial was unnecessary.

The Vatican said the move could not be appealed.

Previously, the Vatican has rarely, if ever, announced laicizations of individual priests and only issued a single-line statement if a bishop had resigned, without further explanatio..

Tens of Thousands Protest Racism and Discrimination in Berlin

(BERLIN) — Tens of thousands of people protested racism and discrimination Saturday in Berlin, a demonstration that came amid rising concerns about Germany’s increasingly confident far right.

A wide range of groups, including pro-refugee, gay rights and Muslim organizations, backed the “Indivisible” protest in the heart of the German capital under the slogan “solidarity instead of exclusion — for an open and free society.”

Last year’s German election saw the far-right Alternative for Germany party enter the national parliament. Anti-migrant violence a few weeks ago in the eastern city of Chemnitz has added to concerns.

Organizers said at least 150,000 people turned out Saturday. There was no immediate crowd estimate from police.

Among backers was Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who told the Funke newspaper group that he welcomed “a great signal” that “the majority in our country stands for tolerance and openness.”

The local branch of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative party didn..

Slavný historik profesor Kvaček: Mladá generace je úplně mimo. Ani prezidenty nevyjmenují

REPORTÁŽ Naši studenti i přes kolísální mají stále mnohem větší znalosti než jejich vrstevníci v západní Evropě. Vůbec nesrovnatelné je to pak se Spojenými státy, kde co si i takzvaní odborníci nenajdou na netu, neví. Českým středoškolským pedagogům až na výjimky neříká nic bádání a jsou jen pro strohé mentorování. To zaznělo na konferenci o výročí republiky, kterou uspořádala Nadace Železné opony v Praze. Významný historik, profesor PhDr. Robert Kvaček, CSc. se pak dotkl zfilmování osudů Rašína a Beneše v České televizi a přinesl několik poznámek k podepsání mnichovské dohody v září 1938. Všichni se pak shodli na tom, že po oslavách stého výročí republiky bude snad o něco více mladých, kteří si vzpomenou, kdy bylo založeno Československo.