Synovi premiéra Babiše hrozí zákaz cestovat na Ukrajinu

Synovi českého premiéra Andreji Babišovi mladšímu hrozí za pobyt na Krymu zákaz vjezdu na Ukrajinu a pokuta za nezákonné překročení hranic. V rozhovoru pro ukrajinskou službu Rádia Svoboda to v pátek oznámil Oleh Sloboďan z kanceláře šéfa ukrajinské pohraniční služby. Babiš mladší tvrdí, že byl na Krym unesen a dopraven tranzitem přes Moskvu. Jeho otec únos popírá, cestu však potvrdil a uvedl, že ji platil.

Babišovy výstupy k aktuálnímu dění kolem kauzy Čapí hnízdo jsou spojeny jednou linkou, sleduje politolog Sokol

ROZHOVOR Výstupy premiéra Andreje Babiše jsou podle politologa Petra Sokola spojeny jednou linkou. „Velmi důsledně se drží komunikační strategie, která ho vede k tomu, aby zpochybňoval reportáž a aby voliči, kteří jsou jeho příznivci, viděli připravenou kampaň, která neférovým způsobem útočí na jeho rodinu,“ říká politolog. Vláda Andreje Babiše podle něj vydrží. „Sociální demokraté upřednostní setrvání ve vládě.“ I kdyby už měli všeho dost, na střídačce je připravený Tomio Okamura.

‘You Have to Look at the Way She Was Dressed.’ Ireland Protests After Lawyer Cites a Thong as Consent

Scores of demonstrators have taken to the streets across Ireland this week to protest after a defense lawyer held up a teenager’s lacy thong in a rape trial to indicate consent, the Guardian reports.

In her closing argument, lawyer Elizabeth O’Connell asked the jury to consider a 17-year-old’s underwear as an indication that she was “open to meeting someone.” Prosecutors said the teen was raped in a muddy ally by a 27-year-old man.

“Does the evidence out-rule the possibility that she was attracted to the defendant and was open to meeting someone and being with someone? You have to look at the way she was dressed. She was wearing a thong with a lace front,” O’Connell said.

The defendant was unanimously acquitted by a jury of eight men and four women at Cork’s Central Criminal Court on November 6.

But the lawyer’s remarks sparked outrage far beyond the trial. Women’s rights activists and others took to social media to protest victim blaming, and posted photos of underwear on Twitter..

North Korea to Deport an American Citizen Who It Says Was Detained for Illegal Entry

(SEOUL, South Korea) — North Korea said Friday that it will deport an American citizen it detained one month ago for illegally entering the country.

The announcement suggests that North Korea still intends to improve ties with the United States despite stalled nuclear diplomacy. In the past, North Korean often held American citizens it arrested for similar charges for months before high-profile U.S. figures travelled to Pyongyang to secure their freedom.

In May, North Korea released three American detainees in a goodwill gesture weeks before leader Kim Jong Un’s summit with President Donald Trump in Singapore in June. The three Americans returned home on a flight with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Their release was a striking contrast to the fate of Otto Warmbier, an American university student who died days after he was released from North Korea in a coma after 17 months in captivity.

On Friday, the Korean Central News Agency said the U.S. citizen was detained on Oct. 16 fo..