Indonesian Singer Grieves Wife, Bandmates Killed by Devastating Tsunami in Emotional Instagram Posts

A singer whose wife and three band mates were among 373 people killed in an Indonesian tsunami over the weekend asked for prayers for the dead in a series of emotional Instagram posts on Sunday and Monday.

Riefian “Ifan” Fajarsyah, the lead singer of the Indonesian pop-rock band Seventeen, was performing with his three bandmates, bassist Muhammad Awal “Bani” Purbani, guitarist Herman Sikumbang and drummer Windu Andi Darmawan on Saturday night when the stage was overtaken by a giant wave.

The band members, members of the crew and Fajarsyah’s wife, Dylan Sahara, were swept out to sea, but Fajarsyah managed to swim back to shore, according to the Telegraph.

In a series of Instagram posts, Fajarsyah called for the safe return of the missing, and had a special message for Sahara, whose 26th birthday is on Monday.

“Today is your birthday. I want to say it straight away. Hurry home, dear,” Fajarsyah wrote.

In a later post, he acknowledged that Sahara had been found dead and asked for pr..

Hudební producent: Vytýkat muslimovi, že hájí islám, je bláhové, ale nastolit mu mantinely je žádoucí. Asi si nevážíme předků

CO NÁM DAL ROK 2018 „USA i Francie jsou také rozdělené. Je to tím, že nechceme či neumíme respektovat demokracii,“ říká k atmosféře ve společnosti hudební producent a majitel jihočeské umělecké agentury Aleš Trdla. V rozhovoru zhodnotil z hlediska politiky rok 2018, vyjádřil se k tomu, co se stalo ve Francii, a promluvil i ohledně Andreje Babiše a Miloše Zemana. Sdělil i svůj názor na „multikulturní“ Evropu.

Neuvěřitelné vystoupení polského novináře v Praze. Navedl Brusel, jak má jeho vlastní zemi ztrestat

REPORTÁŽ Jak potrestat zpupné, nedemokratické, na cestu autoritářství se vydavší Polsko? To je podle novináře z varšavské redakce deníku Gazeta Wyborcza Bartosze Wielińskiho jednoznačné – odebrání dotací, na kterých je země závislá. Vedení strany Právo a spravedlnost (PiS) chce prý dostat média z mezinárodních rukou do vlastnictví spřátelených tuzemských oligarchů. Těžkou ránu už PiS zasadila veřejnoprávní televizi a rozhlasu. To mj. uvedl novinář na mezinárodním semináři k regionálnímu tisku, kterou v Praze uspořádala lipská organizace pro nezávislá média.

Přes Vánoce můžete přibrat až pět kilo, řízek nevadí, když jíte zdravě celý rok, říká odborník na sportovní výživu Roubík

Vánoce nejsou problém, když se celoročně hýbete a stravujete zdravě. Z lidí jsou extremisté ve výživě, ve stravě je informační chaos, neumíme jíst normálně. Jedna dieta správná pro všechny neexistuje.
Za posledních patnáct let se zcela změnil pohled na to, co je zdravé, dříve se doporučovalo jíst sacharidy, strašákem byly tuky a cholesterol, dnes je to naopak. Dřív se doporučovalo jíst každé dvě hodiny, dnes se propaguje nízkofrekvenční stravování a jídlo třeba pouze jednou nebo dvakrát denně, říká Lukáš Roubík, odborník na sportovní výživu a zakladatel Institutu Moderní výživy.
Dodává, že žijeme v extrémně obezitogenním prostředí, nabídka levných nekvalitních potravin je velká.

Myanmar Court Hears Appeal of Convicted Reuters Journalists

(YANGON, Myanmar) — A court in Myanmar has heard an appeal filed by lawyers for two Reuters journalists sentenced to seven years in prison on charges of illegal possession of official documents, a case that has drawn worldwide criticism and attention to the crisis that drove members of the Muslim Rohingya minority to flee the country.

The court announced a ruling would be issued next month after submissions were made Monday by both the prosecution and lawyers for Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who said they were framed by police but were convicted in September.

The journalists had been reporting last year on the brutal crackdown by security forces on the Rohingya in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Some 700,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh to escape the violence of a government counterinsurgency campaign.

How to Track Santa’s Sleigh on Christmas Eve 2018 Online for Free

Santa Claus is coming to town — and thanks to technology, you can know exactly what time he’ll arrive.

Google, NORAD and other websites have set up free Santa trackers for kids to give you some insight into Saint Nick’s schedule on Christmas Eve 2018. Grab a parent, go online and watch the jolly old elf and his reindeer circle the Earth delivering toys. And, most importantly, make sure you get to bed before he gets to your house.

Here’s how to follow Santa online on Christmas Eve.

Courtesy of Google

Try the NORAD Santa Tracker
Your first option is the most classic: the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Nicknamed NORAD, the organization was formed decades ago to monitor man-made objects in space and protect the U.S. and Canada from attack. But these days, it’s more famous for its Santa-tracking abilities.

Legend has it that the tradition dates back to the ’50s, when a misprinted newspaper ad for a Santa hotline accidentally gave out NORAD’s phone number. Fast-forward a few ..

Where in the World Is Santa? Find Out With the Santa Tracker

‘Tis the season to keep an eye on Santa Claus as he cruises across the sky. The Google Santa Tracker is back to help us all get delivery estimates on those Christmas gifts and chimney visits. Now in its 15th year, the Santa Tracker will go live on Christmas Eve., Dec. 24, when keen trackers can track Santa and “watch” Kris Kringle travel the world. On Google Maps, leading up to Christmas Eve, Santa will even “share” his location with you as the evening progresses.

Beyond the Google Santa Tracker, the search engine also updated its annual Santa’s Village, a landing page of holiday-themed games. And for those keen to corroborate Santa’s whereabouts with further sources, look to the NORAD Santa tracker, which is tracking Santa’s progress and sharing location updates for the 63rd year — and has contracted more than 1,000 volunteers to help field phone calls and keep the information current on Christmas Eve.

Where is Santa right now?
The Google Santa Tracker is offering up three main way..