Těžký úder doktora Macka na klinikáře: Je vidět, jak „lepšolidé“ přemýšlejí. Ideální by byl pro ně pracovní tábor…

Prezident Miloš Zeman ve svém vánočním poselství hovořil mimo jiné o lepšolidech. Měl na mysli spoluobčany, kteří si o sobě údajně myslí, že jsou lepší než jiní občané a že jejich názor má větší váhu než názor jiných lidí. Doktor Miroslav Macek se teď k Miloši Zemanovi přidal. „Lepšolidé“ jsou podle Macka absolutně nepoučitelní. Stačí se prý podívat na to, co se děje na Klinice.

Vy jste toho pomatence a zoufalce vybavili propagačními materiály… Kvůli „českému teroristovi“ se u SPD strhla drsná přestřelka

Svoboda a přímá demokracie (SPD) Tomia Okamury se na své facebookové stránce vyjádřila k útoku důchodce Jaromíra Baldy, který je sympatizant SPD a který se snažil vzbudit odpor vůči migrantům například tím, že pokácel stromy v okolí železničních tratí, do kterých pak narazily vlaky s cestujícími. „Jeho jednání je odsouzeníhodné. Nikdy nebyl naším členem,“ píše ve svém vyjádření SPD, což vyvolalo ostrou kritiku a okamžitě se na sociální síti začaly objevovat důkazy o tom, že Balda měl k SPD velice blízko.

German Parents Have No Right to Homeschool Their Kids, European Rights Court Rules

(BERLIN) — The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday rejected the appeal of a German couple who have been fighting for years to home school their kids, saying the government was within its rights to temporarily remove their children.

Home schooling is illegal in Germany and the Strasbourg, France-based court noted it had already upheld that law in previous decisions.

But Dirk and Petra Wunderlich, who are in their early 50s, had argued their rights to privacy of home and family life were violated by Hesse state authorities when their four children were taken from them in 2013. They were returned three weeks later after the couple agreed to send them to school.

In a unanimous decision, however, the court found that there was “relevant and sufficient reasons for the withdrawal of some parts of the parents’ authority, and the temporary removal of the children from their family home.”

Robert Clarke, an attorney for the Alliance Defending Freedom, or ADF, a U.S.-based Christian leg..

The Queen Just Handed Over 2 Royal Duties to Meghan Markle. Here’s What to Know

Meghan Markle’s résumé just got a major boost.

Her grandmother-in-law, the Queen, has given her not one, but four shiny new gigs, Kensington Palace announced Thursday morning in a series of tweets.

The Duchess of Sussex will assume two royal patronages long held by Queen Elizabeth II herself. The first is the royal patron of the National Theatre, and the second is the royal patron of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.

“The Duchess of Sussex will become Patron of four organisations that reflect the causes and issues with which she has long been associated including the arts, access to education, support for women and animal welfare,” the tweet read.

The Duchess of Sussex will become Patron of four organisations that reflect the causes and issues with which she has long been associated including the arts, access to education, support for women and animal welfare. pic.twitter.com/tU9QWDlPyH

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) January 10, 2019

As royal patron of the Nat..

Catholic Church Challenges Congo Presidential Election Results

(KINSHASA, Congo) — Congo’s powerful Catholic church challenged the surprise win of opposition leader Felix Tshisekedi in the presidential election on Thursday, saying official results do not match the outcome compiled by its 40,000 observers at all polling stations across the troubled country.

The church refused to name its “clear winner,” but diplomats briefed on its findings said opposition leader Martin Fayulu won easily and that other election observer mission found similar results.

Fayulu alleges that President Joseph Kabila engineered a backroom deal with the largely untested Tshisekedi to thwart anti-corruption efforts in a country with staggering mineral wealth. An outspoken campaigner against Congo’s widespread graft — it ranked 161th among 180 countries in Transparency International’s latest index — Fayulu denounced the official vote results as “rigged.” He called on people to “rise as one man to protect victory.”

But the country remained largely calm as many Congolese ap..

Salvini se dohodl s Poláky. Co vymysleli, nepotěší Macrona s Merkelovou

Plánovaná schůzka Mattea Salviniho, vicepremiéra a ministra vnitra Itálie, s polskými vládními a politickými představiteli proběhla a vypadá to, že se rýsuje aliance, která by podle Salviniho mohla narušit osu Francie–Německo. O setkání informoval iRozhlas a server France24. „Chtěl bych stvořit pakt, alianci pro všechny, kdo chtějí zachránit Evropu, čím víc nás bude, tím lépe,“ řekl populární italský politik.