‘Denuclearization?’ White House Manages Expectations for Second North Korea Summit

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump is trying to manage expectations for his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, predicting a “continuation of the progress” made last time.

Trump tweeted Sunday that he was leaving early the next day for the meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, adding a tantalizing nod to “Denuclearization?” He also said Kim knows that “without nuclear weapons, his country could fast become one of the great economic powers anywhere in the World.”

Very productive talks yesterday with China on Trade. Will continue today! I will be leaving for Hanoi, Vietnam, early tomorrow for a Summit with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where we both expect a continuation of the progress made at first Summit in Singapore. Denuclearization?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2019

Their first meeting, in Singapore in June, produced a vaguely worded commitment from North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. Heading into this week’s summit, Trump has said t..

Hijack Attempt on Bangladesh-Dubai Flight Ends With Suspect Killed, Officials Say

(DHAKA, Bangladesh) — A passenger flight made an emergency landing Sunday in Bangladesh after an armed man attempted to hijack the plane, and he was later killed in an exchange of gunfire with military commandos, officials said. The suspect asked to speak to the prime minister before dying from his injuries.

The flight, operated by state-run Biman Bangladesh Airlines, left the capital, Dhaka, at 4:35 p.m. heading for Dubai via Chittagong.

The pilot made the emergency landing in Chittagong about 40 minutes after takeoff, after a crew member reported “suspicious behavior” by the man, said Rezaul Karim, an official with the Bangladeshi military’s inter-service public affairs office.

All 143 passengers and seven crew members aboard the Boeing 737-800 were safely evacuated, Air Vice Marshal Mofidur Rahman said at a news conference broadcast live on Somoy TV.

The commandos fired at the suspect after he shot at them when they asked him to surrender, army Maj. Gen. Motiur Rahman told repor..

5 People Killed in Kashmir Gunfire as Shops Close to Boycott India’s Crackdown on Activists

(SRINAGAR, India) — Three rebels, a counterinsurgency police officer and an army soldier were killed during a gun battle in Kashmir on Sunday, officials said, as shops and businesses shut down to protest a sweeping and ongoing crackdown against activists seeking the end of Indian rule in the disputed region.

The fighting triggered large anti-India protests and clashes as hundreds of residents thronged the village of Turigam in the southern Kulgam area while barraging troops with stones. An army officer and two other soldiers were injured in the fighting, which was still raging later Sunday.

Government forces opened fire with shotguns and tear gas to quell the protesters, injuring at least half a dozen civilians, residents and emergency workers said.

Police and paramilitary soldiers also patrolled streets in Srinagar, the region’s main city, and enforced a security lockdown in its downtown area in anticipation of protests and clashes.

Carrying automatic rifles and wearing riot gear,..

Mayová slíbila hlasování o brexitové dohodě do 12. března

Britská konzervativní premiérka Theresa Mayová v neděli uvedla, že parlament nebude příští týden hlasovat o brexitové dohodě, má se tak ale stát do 12. března. Labouristická opozice odklad kritizovala. Označila jej za lehkomyslný pokus donutit poslance, aby si vybrali mezi dohodou o podmínkách odchodu, kterou Mayová dojednala s Bruselem, a brexitem bez dohody.

Je potřeba jim do toho už hodit vidle! Nekompromisní vzkaz ke konkrétním lidem v ČT

ROZHOVOR Skladatel, hudebník, zakladatel ODS i Alternativy pro Česko Petr Štěpánek se v rozhovoru ohradil proti výrokům, že SPD využívá strachu lidí: „To tvrdí ti, kdo straší, že bez Evropské unie zahyneme a že nad Velkou Británií den po brexitu už nevyjde slunce.“ V rozhovoru pro ParlamentníListy.cz také prohlásil, že nálepkování je mor hlavního proudu zdejší žurnalistiky a navíc důvodem, proč část veřejnosti už novináře nebere vážně. Podle Štěpánka bychom navíc neměli ani na vteřinu pochybovat, že je třeba zprivatizované partičce ovlivňující Českou televizi hodit do jejich vládnutí „vidle“.

„Prodloužená ruka Pocheho. Tam nejste proto, abyste se tam fotil a usmíval!“ Petříčka posadili v debatě vedle komunisty. A došlo na velmi ostrý střet

Český ministr zahraničí se před pár hodinami vrátil ze své první návštěvy USA. Co tam dojednal, a jedná v zájmu České republiky? A proč je trnem v oku komunistům. Na to se ptala moderátorka Terezie Tománková v nedělním pořadu Partie na TV Prima ministra zahraničních věcí Tomáše Petříčka (ČSSD) a poslance-člena zahraničního výboru Daniela Pawlase (KSČM). Ti se podle očekávání neustále dostávali do názorových střetů. Kromě toho se hovořilo také o situaci ve Venezuele a na Ukrajině nebo o kauze kolem společnosti Huawei.