Prostituce je normální práce, naše děvčata to baví, partner jim doma nestačí, říká majitel nočního klubu. Prostitutka platící daně je podle něj sci-fi

V oboru se pohybují i děvčata, které práce baví, chodí se k nám dorealizovat, partner jim doma třeba nestačí. My jsme kabaret, prací se bavíme, bavíme zákazníky, může dojít k odhalování a fyzickým kontaktům, u nás jsou děvčata na brigádu, je jich víc, než uživíme. V sexbyznysu žijí lidé zahálčivým způsobem života, nebudou pracovat pět dní v týdnu osm hodin denně. Prostitutky se nikde organizovat a evidovat nebudou, nebudou tu práci dělat pod legálním vedením, říká Igor Salomon, majitel nočního klubu na Jižním Městě a jeden z prvních, který po revoluci noční klub v Praze otevřel. Navrhoval by pro prostitutky něco jako dálniční známky, podle něho je prostitutka platící daně sci-fi.

Diplomat Novotný: Putinovi hrozí svržení. Krym? Fakta mluví jasně, přešel k Rusku podle práva

V dalším díle interview s bývalým diplomatem a bezpečnostním expertem Jaromírem Novotným na webu Kupředu do minulosti se dostalo na témata, která se omílají v Čechách již hodně dlouho: Rusko a Ukrajina. Novotný prohlásil, že Západ měl v devadesátých letech zájem na rozpadu Ruska. A co se týče Ukrajiny, „anexe“ Krymu proběhla dle jeho názoru v souladu s ukrajinskou ústavou.

Opposition Leader Juan Guaido Returns to Venezuela After Leaving to Rally International Support

(CARACAS, Venezuela) — Declaring he knows he is at risk, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido returned Monday to his homeland to renew his campaign to topple the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

Guaido landed at the country’s main airport, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Caracas, the capital. He said in a tweet that he successfully passed through immigration checks.

Ya en nuestra tierra amada! Venezuela, acabamos de pasar migración y nos movilizaremos a dónde está nuestro pueblo!#VamosJuntosALaCalle

— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) March 4, 2019

“We know the risks that we face, that’s never stopped us,” the 35-year-old leader of Venezuela’s National Assembly said as he moved through a crowd that included several Western ambassadors. The United States and about 50 other countries have recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate leader, arguing that last year’s re-election of Maduro was illegitimate because popular opposition candidates were barred from running.

“The regime m..

The British Royal Family Rolled Out Guidelines to Combat Hateful Online Trolls

It would appear they have had it: the British royals are making moves to block social media trolls, publishing a set of “social media community guidelines” this week to help aim to make the official Kensington Palace and royal accounts stay hate-free.

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge have come in for their fare share of online abuse over the past few years. Neither of the Duchesses maintain personal social media accounts, but rather share news and updates through the official royal platforms, which have millions of followers and rack up tens of thousands of likes and hundreds of comments per post.

“We ask that anyone engaging with our social media channels shows courtesy, kindness and respect for all other members of our social media communities,” the new rules ask. Spam, defamation, obscenity, offensive language, threats and explicit material are all off-limits, as are comments that “promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nation..

The 5 Most Mysterious Unsolved Disappearances of All Time

Every year, thousands of families are thrust into a state of limbo when a loved one suddenly goes missing. In one of the most eerie instances, when Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished from the skies exactly five years ago this March, a lack of clues kept investigators from making sense of the tragedy, depriving more than 200 families of closure.

It’s one of the many inexplicable incidents that continue to puzzle authorities and haunt the relatives left behind. Other unsolved cases range from those the FBI has abandoned, like the nearly 50-year-old hunt for the notorious criminal known as D.B. Cooper, to those still ongoing, like the search for Indiana University student Lauren Spierer, who vanished in 2011. Out of a century’s worth of unsolved disappearances that TIME has revisited, here are five of the most mysterious cases:

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Jason Lee—Reuters. A family member cries as she and other relatives pray during a candlelight vigil for passengers aboard the mis..