China Prepares for ‘Unpredictable’ Year Ahead at Subdued Annual Parliament

If last year was the Xi Jinping show, the 2019 National People’s Congress (NPC) — China’s annual rubberstamp parliament — has been all about the economy.

Twelve months have past since Xi’s coronation as China’s most powerful leader since Mao Zedong at last year’s NPC, when presidential term limits were officially scrapped and Xi’s eponymous political thought enshrined in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) charter. By comparison, this year’s NPC, which opened Tuesday, had a markedly less triumphant feel.

It’s hardly surprising. Growth had slipped to its slowest rate in 28 years while crucial exports have also shrunk. Xi’s signature Belt and Road Initiative — a Beijing-bankrolled trade and infrastructure network tracing the ancient Silk Road — has encountered opposition from Hanoi to Madrid. Governments around the world are raising concern about China’s tech ambitions, particularly security concerns regarding 5G rollout.

Premier Li Keqiang sounded a cautionary note during Tuesday’s Wor..

Australia Plans to Send Refugees Seeking Medical Care to a Remote Island

(CANBERRA, Australia) — Asylum seekers who are allowed to leave Australia-run migrant camps in Pacific nations to get medical treatment will be sent to a prison-like facility on a remote Australian island, the prime minister said on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison flew to tiny Christmas Island in an overnight flight to announce his government’s strategy aimed at preventing asylum seekers from reaching the Australian mainland. The island is 5,170 kilometers (3,210 miles) northwest of the Australian capital, Canberra, and is closer to Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta.

Australia pays Nauru and Papua New Guinea to accommodate almost 1,000 asylum seekers who have attempted to reach the Australian coastline by boat since 2013. Boats carrying asylum seekers from Africa, the Middle East and Asia had been arriving daily from Indonesian ports, but the smuggling attempts have all but stopped since the government announced that no refugee who arrives by boat will ever be allowed to settle i..

Strážník v Brně odmítl chytat exhibicionistu, dostal pokutu

Neobyčejnou dávku neochoty projevil jeden z brněnských strážníků, kterého na ulici oslovila žena s tím, že u blízkého dětského hřiště sedí exhibicionista, který se před ní o den dříve obnažoval. Strážník ženě odvětil, že v tuto chvíli muž nedělá nic špatného, a proto nemá žádný důvod k zásahu. Takové chování kvalifikoval soud jako maření úkolu úřední osoby z nedbalosti.

Duka o zneužívání chlapců věděl, nepřipustí chybu, obětí jsou u nás stovky, říká religionista Štampach

Duka má svoji optiku církevního bosse, který nepřipustí, že by se v církvi mohlo dít něco špatného, velmi jsme se přeli.
Obětí sexuálního zneužívání v církvi jsou stovky, není to věc sexuální orientace, ale mocenské deviace, celibát by měl být dobrovolný, říká religionista Ivan O. Štampach.
Rozhovor jsme natáčeli předtím, než kardinál Duka vydal prohlášení, ve kterém informuje, že podal trestní oznámení na neznámé pachatele sexuálních trestních činů.

Prožírají všechno. Okamurův lídr Ivan David: Takto změním EU. Jde to

ROZHOVOR „Ti, kteří se zmocnili majetku, sežrali minulost. Ti, kteří odtud vyvádějí kapitál, prožírají naši současnost. A ti, kteří nás zadlužují a zavazují do budoucnosti, prožírají budoucnost.“ Lídr kandidátky SPD do Evropského parlamentu, exministr Ivan David, vysvětluje v rozhovoru pro Parlamentní, proč je nutné se bránit proti budování evropského superstátu a jak. „Je to odporné stavět se na stranu lidu?“ „Je mi ctí být od ‚demokratického bloku‘ co nejdále,“ podotýká také David. V souvislosti s aktuálním tématem posledních dní hovoří o ekonomickém zločinu. Vyjadřuje se i ke svému působení ve vládě a podotýká: „Současná nová levice čili tzv. neomarxisté jsou užiteční idioti globalistů.“ A nízká nezaměstnanost? Iluzorní!

Nejvyšší soud chce zvrátit rozsudek v kauze nenávistného komentáře

Plzeňský soud zatím nemůže znovu otevřít případ 25leté ženy, která na Facebooku psala o zapalování autobusů s běženci. Brání mu v tom totiž již pravomocné rozhodnutí správního orgánu, ke kterému původně kauzu poslal a jenž ženu potrestal pětisetkorunovou pokutou za přestupek proti veřejnému pořádku. Dvakrát trestat za stejný čin totiž nelze.

A Daring Rescue By Quick-Thinking Teens Saved A Boy Dangling From A Chairlift

Move over, MacGuyver: some quick-thinking teens are being hailed as heroes for rescuing an 8-year-old boy who was dangling from a chairlift at a Vancouver ski resort using an unlikely assortment of items.

The nightmarish scenario unfolded when the child was riding a chairlift at Grouse Mountain and somehow slipped from his seat. His father’s hand was the only thing holding the boy up as he dangled “20 or 25 feet in the air” over the mountain, Canada’s Global News reports. That’s when a group of five teenagers jumped into action

After seeing the dire situation, one teen asked a grownup to go fetch the orange netting that the resort used to mark the ski resort’s off-limits area. The teens pulled padding from a pole and lined the net to make a soft cushion so the boy could land safely as they held the net taut. While they worked, another teenager tried to keep the boy calm as he dangled off the chairlift as panicking could have hastened his fall.

Once the net and padding were set, the ..

Explosive Devices Found Near 3 London Transit Hubs Trigger Terrorism Investigation

(LONDON) — Three small explosive devices in plastic mailing bags arrived at offices for two London airports and at a train station Tuesday, and Irish police said they were helping British counterterrorism police with the investigation.

London’s Metropolitan Police Service said the devices found near London’s Heathrow and City airports and at Waterloo Station “appear capable of igniting an initially small fire when opened.” A staff member did unseal the bag sent to an office building on Heathrow’s grounds, “causing the device to initiate,” the police department said.

Part of the package burned, but no one was injured, police said. The Compass Centre was evacuated as a precaution. Flights at Heathrow, Britain’s busiest airport, were not affected.

Another mailer turned up at the administration building for City Airport, a much smaller commercial airport. The third was found in the mail room at busy Waterloo Station. Those packagers weren’t opened.

The Metropolitan Police Counter Terro..

A Female Cyclist Was Forced to Stop Mid-Race When She Almost Caught Up to the Men

A female cyclist who was soaring past her competitors during a renowned bicycle race in Belgium was abruptly forced to stop for several minutes when she came too close to the “very slow” men’s race ahead of her.

The cyclist, Nicole Hanselmann, described the “awkward moment” in an Instagram post after Saturday’s annual Omloop Het Nieuwsblad race, during which male cyclists were given an eight-minute head start.

As the race progressed, Hanselmann built a lead of almost two minutes against the other women cyclists and “almost saw the back of the men’s peloton.”

“[Maybe] the other women and me were [too] fast or the men [too] slow,” she wrote in the Instagram post.

Hanselmann, a 27-year-old cyclist and the 2017 national champion in Switzerland, said officials paused the women’s race to stop them from catching up to the men.

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Today was the first spring classic in Belgium. I attacked after 7km, and was alone in the break for around 30km…but then a awkward m..