Kauza brněnské radnice: Pětici obviněných poslal soud do vazby

Městský soud v Brně uvalil v sobotu vazbu na pět z devíti obviněných lidí, které policie podezírá z korupce při zakázkách na radnici Brno-střed. Soud tak vyhověl žalobci u všech jeho pěti návrhů. Do vazby míří radní Jiří Švachula (ANO), vedoucí investičního odboru Petr Liškutin a tři podnikatelé Petr Kalášek, Pavel Ovčarčin a Lubomír Smolka.

Armed Assailants Attack Ebola Treatment Center in Eastern Congo, 1 Killed

(KINSHASA, Congo) — Armed assailants again attacked an Ebola treatment center in the heart of eastern Congo’s deadly outbreak on Saturday, with the mayor reporting one police officer killed.

The early-morning attack in Butembo came less than a week after the treatment center reopened following an attack last month that forced aid group Doctors Without Borders to suspend its operations in the city. Security forces repelled Saturday’s attackers, one of whom was wounded, Butembo Mayor Sylvain Kanyamanda said.

The latest attack occurred hours before the World Health Organization director-general visited the center, which remains open. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus encouraged health workers to continue their fight against the second-deadliest Ebola outbreak in history, which is spreading in a region that health workers have compared to a war zone.

Dozens of armed groups are active in eastern Congo, though some have allowed health workers access to administer Ebola vaccines and track contact..

Russian Internet Trolls Are Apparently Switching Strategies for 2020 U.S. Elections

Russian internet trolls appear to be shifting strategy in their efforts to disrupt the 2020 U.S. elections, promoting politically divisive messages through phony social media accounts instead of creating propaganda themselves, cybersecurity experts say.

The Kremlin-linked Internet Research Agency may be among those trying to circumvent protections put in place by companies including Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. to find and remove fake content that hackers created to sow division among the American electorate in the 2016 presidential campaign.

“Instead of creating content themselves, we see them amplifying content,” said John Hultquist, the director of intelligence analysis at FireEye Inc. “Then it’s not necessarily inauthentic, and that creates an opportunity for them to hide behind somebody else.”

Other hackers are breaking into computing devices and using them to open large numbers of social media accounts, according to Candid Wueest, a senior threat researcher at Symantec Corp…

Newborn Son of British Teen Who Joined the Islamic State Has Died in a Refugee Camp

(OUTSIDE BAGHOUZ, Syria) — The newborn son of U.K.-born teenager Shamima Begum who left her London home to join the Islamic State group in Syria died Friday in a refugee camp, an official said.

Mustafa Bali, a spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces, confirmed that the infant died at a camp in north Syria. He didn’t provide further details.

In a day of conflicting reports about the baby’s fate, lawyer Tasnime Akunjee tweeted that he had “strong but as yet unconfirmed reports that Shamima Begum’s son has died. He was a British citizen.” He declined to provide further details.

We have strong but as yet unconfirmed reports that Shamima Begums son has died . He was a British Citizen.

— Mohammed T Akunjee (@MohammedAkunjee) March 8, 2019

His death has been confirmed .

— Mohammed T Akunjee (@MohammedAkunjee) March 8, 2019

Then, Bali tweeted that the reports were “fake” and the baby “is alive and healthy.” But he later deleted the tweet without explanation, and shortly after confirm..

Komu slouží velkolepý Babišův projekt? Ekonomka Lipovská překvapeně zjistila, kdo se na něm podílí

ROZHOVOR „Zatím máme z celého ‚Digitálního Česka‘ zejména zajímavé webové stránky. Dočteme se na nich, že hlavním partnerem programu je Microsoft, MasterCard a Uber a organizátorem konference je prý Google. Tolik k odpovědi na otázku ‚cui bono?‘. Nevěřím líbivým sloganům, věřím jenom konkrétním výsledkům – a ty vidět nejsou. … Je to paradoxní, ale dnes znevýhodňujeme ty, kdo chtějí hned po škole sami pracovat, vydělávat a platit daně,“ vysvětluje ekonomka z Masarykovy univerzity Hana Lipovská. Podle ní student vysoké školy získá svůj základní kapitál – znalosti i diplom – zaplacený od daňových poplatníků, ale řemeslník by za půjčení kapitálu musel draze zaplatit. Řešením je prý srovnání podmínek zavedením školného.

Vyhnali nás, vzpomínala česká učitelka na odchod ze Slovenska za druhé republiky

Po mnichovské dohodě zesílily na Slovensku separatistické tendence, které se projevily i v názvu druhé republiky Česko-Slovenská republika. Nešlo však jen o pověstnou pomlčku. Ze Slovenska také museli odejít čeští odborníci, kteří tam pomáhali s rozvojem. Podle dohody z 13. prosince 1938 mělo být vystěhováno devět tisíc českých zaměstnanců. Ve skutečnosti odešlo více lidí, protože si mnozí vzali i rodiny a někteří raději utekli. Mezi vystěhovanými byla i učitelka Hilda Straková.