Flag Carrier Canceling $4.8 Billion Boeing 737 MAX Order After Crashes

Indonesia’s flag carrier said it plans to meet Boeing officials next week to discuss the airline’s request to cancel its $4.8 billion order for the troubled 737 Max 8 jet.

PT Garuda Indonesia, which told Bloomberg last week it wants to cancel its order for 49 Boeing 737 Max jets, has informed the U.S. aircraft maker of its plans and is scheduling to hold the meeting in Jakarta, President Director I Gusti Ngurah Askhara Danadiputra said on Friday. Still, the airline has yet to reach a decision on the cancellation of the Boeing 737 Max order, the company said.

Garuda, like Indonesia’s Lion Air and a number of airlines, are wavering on the Max jetliner after two of the planes crashed in the past months, prompting regulators worldwide to ground the Boeing’s best-selling plane, which sells for an average of $121.6 million each.

After Christchurch, Here’s How We Can End Hate Speech and Islamophobia

Racists and bigots believe that diverse societies don’t work. Frustrated that their howling at the moon wasn’t enough, they’re now picking up weapons in an attempt to prove themselves right.

We can’t keep expressing shock and then moving on until the next outrage. We watched in astonished horror last year when a white supremacist entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh and shot dead 11 worshippers. And yet after the initial horror, the world carried on like before.

These haters are destabilizing our societies and concerted action needs to be taken before things get even worse.

To be clear, this isn’t just about Western societies. For many Muslims, the attacks on March 15 on Christchurch mosques that left 50 dead, represent just a tiny part of a global rising tide of anti-Muslim bigotry perpetrated by insecure majorities. From east to west, there are countless examples.

In Myanmar, decades of hate speech and persecution culminated in 2017 with over 700,000 predominantly Muslim Rohingya ha..

Women All Over New Zealand Wore Headscarves in Solidarity With the Christchurch Victims

Women across New Zealand are wearing headscarves in a show of support for the Muslim community, one week after 50 people were shot dead in two mosques in the city of Christchurch.

Women and children have posted pictures of themselves wearing headscarves on social media Friday, with words denouncing last week’s violence and expressing solidarity with victims of the shooting. “I stand with our Muslim community today and against hate and violence of any kind,” one Twitter user wrote.

I stand with our Muslim community today and against hate and violence of any kind #HeadScarfforHarmony pic.twitter.com/30bKnm2S2s

— Julie Hills (@julesnz35) March 22, 2019

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So great to see the women from @thehitsnz @laurasamtonionthehits showing their support. #headscarfforharmony

A post shared by Headscarf for Harmony (@headscarfforharmony) on Mar 21, 2019 at 10:21am PDT

These photos should be seen far and wide: Women wearing headscarves as tribute to the victims of the mo..

Čaputová? „Budeme vás střílet, píše nám hoch od Sorose“. VIDEO o volbách na Slovensku

Na Slovensku se mílovými kroky blíží druhé kolo prezidentských voleb. Právnička Zuzana Čaputová má podle většiny slovenských médií solidně našlápnuto k vítězství. A k tomu, aby se stala první prezidentkou na Slovensku a vlastně i první ženskou prezidentkou ve V4. Poslanec strany SMER-SD je však odhodlán udělat vše pro to, aby Čaputová nevyhrála. Natočil kvůli tomu další video, ve kterém představuje Čaputovou tak, jak ji vidí on sám.

Americký generál obvinil Google, že pomáhá Číně se zbrojením

Předseda amerického sboru náčelníků štábů Joseph Dunford se sejde s představitelem společnosti Google, aby vyjádřil znepokojení z možné pomoci firmy při realizaci čínského zbrojního programu. Dunford to ve čtvrtek oznámil na konferenci ve Washingtonu. Některé aktivity Googlu podle amerického generála umožňují Číně získat přístup k technologiím vyvinutým v USA.

Polka bere důchod 12 haléřů, v životě pracovala jen den

Jen dva groše, čili v přepočtu přibližně 12 haléřů měsíčně, činí nejnižší penze aktuálně vyplácená v Polsku. Tu pobírá dvaašedesátiletá žena, která za celý život strávila v zaměstnání pouze jediný den. Dvojnásobek – čtyři groše – má penzistka ze Štětína na opačném konci Polska, upozornila polská televize TVN 24.