Lumír Němec k Rudé armádě: Že nás mohli osvobodit jen Američané? Pravda je jiná, zde jsou fakta

ROZHOVOR „Rudá armáda bojovala na našem území téměř osm měsíců, osvobodila převážnou část území tehdejšího Československa a na našem území padlo téměř 140 000 rudoarmějců,“ připomíná k výročí Dne vítězství bezpečnostní analytik Lumír Němec, dříve náčelník vojenské policie SOG v Afghánistánu. Během osvobozování Československa samozřejmě docházelo i k excesům a násilnostem, podle Němce je ovšem nutné brát v potaz veškeré souvislosti, především pak obrovskou oběť, kterou všechny národy spojeneckých vojsk položily. „Na základě dohody tří mocností jsme, bohužel, zůstali ve sféře vlivu Sovětského svazu a toho uměl Stalin mistrně využít. Do klíčových pozic byli dosazeni kovaní komunisté, kteří plnili úkoly sovětských soudruhů. Což vyvrcholilo únorovým převratem a dobou temna po následujících čtyřicet let,“ dodává bezpečnostní analytik Němec.

Ředitel školy z Kroměřížska prohrál v kasinu peníze na kurzy plavání i školu v přírodě

Více než čtyři sta tisíc korun si přisvojil ředitel základní a mateřské školy na Kroměřížsku. Peníze, které byly určené do fondu kulturních a sociálních potřeb, na kurzy plavání či na úhradu školy v přírodě, prohrál v kasinu. Policisté již muže obvinili ze zpronevěry. Hrozí mu až pětileté vězení a peněžitý trest.

‘The Most Amazing Man,’ Friends Honor 22-Year-Old American Killed In Russian Plane Crash

Jeremy Brooks, a 22 year-old American, was among the 41 people who died when a Russian plane burst into flames while making an emergency landing in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport on Sunday.

The recent graduate of Colorado College was on his way to work as a fishing guide for Atlantic salmon in northwest Russia, according to his former employer.

Brooks was reportedly the only U.S. citizen on the Murmansk bound Aeroflot plane, which had to turn back just 30 minutes after taking off from Moscow as a result of unspecified technical difficulties. Russian authorities said 37 passengers survived by escaping from the slides at the front of the plane as the rear was engulfed in flames. “[Brooks] was in the back of the plane, so he wasn’t able to make it out,” Valdez told the Sante Fe New Mexican news site.

Crew members and passengers say the Russian-built Sukhoi Superjet-100 was struck by lightning after taking off, disconnecting communications with ground control, the BBC reported. But some ..

Polish Activist Detained for Adding LGBT Rainbows to Iconic Image of Virgin Mary, Baby Jesus

(WARSAW, Poland) — Rights groups and government critics in Poland are protesting Tuesday after police temporarily detained a human rights activist for putting up posters depicting the country’s most revered Catholic icon with the LGBT rainbow on the halos of Mary and baby Jesus.

Prosecutors in the central city of Plock said the activist, 51-year-old Elzbieta Podlesna, has been questioned and has heard charges of insulting religious feelings and desecration of the icon of Mother of God of Czestochowa, popularly known as the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, a painting housed at the Jasna Gora monastery in Czestochowa, in southern Poland, since the 14th-century.

Last month, Podlesna placed posters with altered images of the icon on walls, garbage bins and mobile toilets near St. Dominik’s church in Plock. She did not physically damage the icon, which was venerated by pontiffs including Pope John Paul II. Jasna Gora is the nation’s holiest shrine, drawing hundreds of thousands in annual pil..

Secretary of State Pompeo Makes Surprise Trip to Iraq Amid Increasing Tensions With Iran

BAGHDAD — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has made an unannounced trip to Iraq as Washington warns Iran against any action against American interests in the Middle East.

Pompeo was in Baghdad briefly Tuesday night before flying out.

Pompeo says his visit was meant to show U.S. support for “a sovereign, independent” Iraq, free from the influence of neighboring Iran. He met with Iraq’s president and prime minister.

Pompeo’s visit comes amid increasing tensions between Washington and Tehran. The U.S. is rushing an aircraft carrier strike group to the Middle East to deter or respond to any Iranian attack. U.S. officials have said there are indications Iran is planning to retaliate for the Trump administration’s stepped-up sanctions on the country, although the threat information remains vague.