U.S. Halts Recovery of Remains of Missing Soldiers Amid Impasse With North Korea

U.S. officials are pausing efforts to recover the remains of American solders who went missing in the Korean War, citing a lack of cooperation from North Korea after a failed summit between President Donald Trump and Kim Jung Un in late February.

“We have reached the point where we can no longer effectively plan, coordinate, and conduct field operations in the DPRK during this fiscal year,” the Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) said in a statement to NPR. The DPAA’s fiscal year ends at the end of September.

North Korea had been actively working with the U.S. on recovery efforts since U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jung Un discussed the topic at their historic first summit in Singapore last year. A week after the summit, North Korea handed over 55 boxes of remains to the U.N. But since Trump and Kim’s second summit in Hanoi ended abruptly with no deal, DPAA officials say their North Korean counterparts have stopped communicating, according..

Singapore Just Passed a Controversial Bill Criminalizing ‘Fake News’

(SINGAPORE) — Singapore reportedly has passed a law criminalizing publication of fake news and allowing the government to block and order the removal of such content.

The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill passed Wednesday night by a vote of 72-9, a lawmaker with the opposition Worker’s Party, Daniel Goh, said on Twitter.

The law bans falsehoods that are prejudicial to Singapore or likely to influence elections and requires service providers to remove such content or allows the government to block it. Offenders could face a jail term of up to 10 years and hefty fines.

Opponents in Parliament said it gave government ministers too much power to determine what was false and broadly defined public interest.

The Strait Times newspaper reported Law Minister K. Shanmugam said the orders to correct or remove false content would mostly be directed at technology companies, rather than individuals who ran afoul of the law without intent.

Human Rights Watch sharply critic..

Špínu na Jandáka a Krůtu „našli“ rychle. Je to v něčím zájmu. Kdo platí Šídla? Spisovatel Bauer klade nepříjemné otázky

ROZHOVOR „Někteří novináři se chovají jako v sedmdesátých, osmdesátých letech,“ říká Jan Bauer, nejproduktivnější český spisovatel, který má na svém kontě už 182 knih. Ohledně toho, co se strhlo po slovech Vítězslava Jandáka na adresu hudebního publicisty Jiřího Černého, podotýká. „Pan Jandák se stal zřejmě nepohodlnou postavou v očích některých takových těch „jedině správných lidí“. V rozhovoru pro Parlamentní listy promluvil bývalý dlouholetý novinář i o Miloši Zemanovi a vysvětlil, proč mu přijde zbytečný Evropský parlament.

Američtí senátoři předvolali Donalda Trumpa juniora kvůli ruské kauze

Zpravodajský výbor republikány ovládaného amerického senátu předvolal ve středu nejstaršího syna prezidenta Donalda Trumpa. Chce, aby stejně jako v roce 2017 před v Kongresu vypovídal o kauze ruských snah o ovlivnění posledních prezidentských voleb. S odvoláním na své zdroje to uvádí server Axios, agentura AP i další média. Podle televize CNN Trump mladší zvažuje, že na slyšení nedorazí, nebo využije práva nevypovídat.

Závěr týdne bude deštivý a chladný

Ke konci týdne se přes naše území bude postupně přesouvat několik frontálních systémů, které s sebou přinesou zvětšenou oblačnost a rovněž srážky. Úvod příštího týdne bude ve znamení ledových mužů a ráno je třeba se připravit i na přízemní mrazíky, řekla Novinkám Dagmar Honsová ze společnosti Meteopress.

Návrh zákona o Notre-Dame identitu neřeší

Návrh zákona francouzské vlády o renovaci požárem poškozené gotické katedrály Notre-Dame v Paříži schválila v minulých dnech příslušná komise francouzského Národního shromáždění. Část opozice včetně poslankyně Constance le Gripové ze strany Republikáni (LR) se do návrhu snažila – avšak bezúspěšně – prosadit slovo „identická“ v souvislosti s obnovou.

Here’s the Meaning Behind the Royal Baby’s Surprisingly Popular Name Archie Harrison

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, shared the news Wednesday that they named their new royal baby Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, hours after introducing him to the public earlier in the day.

Unlike his cousins, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis — the children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge — Archie will not be a prince, and will likely be referred to as Master Archie as he grows up.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s choice in name marks a step away from royal tradition and symbolizes an effort by the royal family to become modern, says Cleveland Evans, a former president of the American Name Society and psychology professor at Bellevue University.

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are pleased to announce they have named their first born child: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor This afternoon Their Royal Highnesses introduced Her Majesty The Queen to her eighth great-grandchild at Windsor Castle. T..

Royal Baby Archie May Not Have a Royal Title, After All. Here’s Why That’s Not Surprising

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, born Monday, May 6, is entitled to be the Earl of Dumbarton. But when Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex finally announced the royal baby’s name on Wednesday, there was no honorary title in sight.

Archie, who was first introduced to the public Wednesday, is technically supposed to take on his father’s earldom, according to Marlene Koenig, an author and expert on British and European royalty. If the palace confirms that Archie will not be known as an earl, it means one thing: The Duke and Duchess wanted it that way. “This is just their attitude that they want a normal life for their children,” Koenig tells TIME.

If he’s to be known as just Archie, and not Archie, Earl of Dumbarton — which is his father’s subsidiary (honorary) title — it’s another signal that his parents are going to uphold the family’s privacy.

Now the closest to the throne in the male line without a title, it’s likely that Archie, who is seventh in line to..