Violence Against Women in El Salvador Is Driving Them to Suicide — Or to the U.S. Border

It’s hard to grasp the scale of El Salvador’s problem with gender violence. In the Central American country of just six million people, one woman was the victim of a femicide — a man murdering of a woman or girl because of her gender — every 24 hours in 2018. That’s one of the worst rates of femicide in the world, according to the United Nations.

Sixty-seven percent of Salvadoran women have suffered some form of violence in their lifetime, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence and abuse by family members, a 2017 national survey found. But only 6% of victims had reported abuse to authorities. (In the U.S., more than half of domestic violence incidents are believed to be reported to police, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.) Advocates say many fear repercussions for speaking out, aren’t able to access public services to report, or simply don’t consider violent treatment unusual.

“El Salvador is a country with so much gang violence, so much brutality, so many ..

A Powerful Earthquake Triggered a Tsunami Alert in Papua New Guinea

(CANBERRA, Australia) — A powerful earthquake struck Papua New Guinea late Tuesday evening, triggering a tsunami alert for coastal areas up to 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) away.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake measured magnitude 7.5 and was located 45 kilometers (28 miles) northeast of Kokopo, a remote town with a population of about 26,000. It was centered at a relatively shallow depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles), it said.

Shallow earthquakes tend to cause more damage on the Earth’s surface, but the USGS estimated that damage and injuries would be low because of the area’s sparse population.

The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said tsunami waves of up to 1 meter (3.3 feet) were possible along coastal areas up to 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) from the epicenter, including Papua New Guinea and the nearly Solomon Islands. It later said the tsunami threat had largely passed and no waves had been observed, but that there were no sea level gauges in the area for measurement.

Julian Assange Could Face Extradition Requests From 2 Countries. What Happens Next?

With WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange likely about to face two separate extradition requests — one already made by the United States on hacking charges, another likely from Sweden related to a recently reopened rape case — his future is less clear than ever.

If Sweden makes a fresh extradition request, the decision over what to do with Assange — who’s currently sitting in a London prison — will fall to U.K. Home Secretary Sajid Javid. In such an event, under U.K. law, Javid would have to weigh specific legal criteria to make his decision. They are:

The relative seriousness of the offenses.

The place where each offense was committed.
The date when each request was issued or received.
Whether the person is accused or convicted of each offense.
Those criteria, however, are broad and leave space for individual judgment. “The Secretary of State has to follow the law; it is highly likely that there will a legal challenge if he doesn’t,” says Katherine Tyler, a leading extradition lawyer a..

Fízlové, zločinci! vytáhl Petr Cibulka kyvadélko. Zaútočil na KDU-ČSL… Další slova se nehodí k obědu

Předvolební debaty eurovoleb běží nejen na ČT. Svůj cyklus uvedl i Český rozhlas. Včera byli hosty mimo jiné Ivan David za SPD, Pavel Svoboda, europoslanec za KDU-ČSL, a známý kandidát Pravého bloku Petr Cibulka. Pavel Svoboda vyprávěl, jak zažaloval Tomia Okamuru za dezinformace, Ivan David upozorňoval na nespravedlnost s dotacemi. A Petr Cibulka rozjel ruskou klimatickou válku, hladomor a uprchlíky.

Klaus ml. udeřil proti ČT. A není sám: Nad televizí stále visí velká hrozba

Poslanec Václav Klaus mladší předsedu vlády Andreje Babiše (ANO) často kritizuje. Jednu věc však mají oba společnou. Týden co týden se ve svých sloupcích obracejí k voličům. Babiš na sociální síti Facebook všechny zdraví „čau lidi“. Klaus místo specifického oslovení chodívá rovnou k jádru věci. Tentokrát si vzal na paškál ČT. Na stole je i možnost, že se vymění ředitel veřejnoprávní televize. Záleží na tom, co do konce roku udělají poslanci.

V Beskydech sněžilo a chumelit na horách má dál

Chladné počasí přineslo v úterý na vrcholky Beskyd nový sníh. Meteorologové navíc očekávají, že k nynějším čtyřem centimetrům může do středečního rána připadnout dalších 15 centimetrů. Srážky se přitom nebudou týkat pouze vrcholových partií, v nížinách bude v příštích dnech hojně pršet.

Amnesty International Was Denied a Lease by a Chinese-Owned Building in Manhattan

(NEW YORK) — A giant shipping conglomerate owned by the Chinese government has declined to lease space in a building it owns in lower Manhattan to the U.S. chapter of Amnesty International, an organization that’s been critical of China’s human rights abuses.

Amnesty International U.S.A. told The New York Times that just as it was about to sign a lease last week for office space in Wall Street Plaza, the building’s owner, Orient Overseas, said its new parent company, Cosco Shipping Holdings Co., put a stop to it.

The human right group says they were told they were “not the best tenant” for the 33-story tower on Pine Street.

The Times says Cosco did not respond to messages seeking comment.

Amnesty International has urged action against China’s mass internment of ethnic minority Muslims.

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte Tightens Grip as Allies Make Election Gains

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte appears set to consolidate his rule as early results from the country’s midterm elections showed his allies leading by a large margin, indicating that domestic support for his administration remains strong despite its bloody war on drugs that has left thousands dead and caused international condemnation.

With 94% of ballots counted, polling data sees Duterte’s allies — including his eldest son — poised to win nine of 12 open seats in the upper house, Agence France-Presse reports. The victory could potentially reverse the dynamics of the chamber, which has traditionally opposed some of the president’s most controversial campaigns.

More than 18,000 positions, including nearly 300 seats in the lower house, are also at stake.

Nearly 62 million Filipinos registered to vote in the elections widely seen as a crucial referendum on Duterte.

The former mayor was elected president in May 2016 after running on a campaign riddled with rape jokes, sexist com..

„Balíme ženy, ne muže!“ řekl Alain Delon a vláčí ho politickým bahnem. Ale ozvalo se: Vy zvadlý k…y, jak nacisti!

Dnes začíná prestižní filmový festival ve francouzském Cannes a o kontroverzi je již postaráno. Zlatou palmu si má za celoživotní úspěchy převzít francouzský herec Alain Delon. Ale našli se tací, kteří Delonovi vyčítají jeho současné politické názory i to, jak se choval a co řekl v minulosti. A odstartovali petici, aby Delon ocenění nedostal. Nicméně, podle posledních zpráv pořadatel festivalu na jejich výtky nedbá a Delon cenu dostane.