D-Day’s 24 Hours Changed the 20th Century, and Europe, Forever

ON OMAHA BEACH, France (AP) — All at once, Charles Shay tried to stanch the bleeding from a ripped-open stomach, dull the pain with morphine and soothe the mind of a dying fellow American army medic. It was a tall order for a 19-year-old who had just set foot on the European mainland for the first time.

But nothing could have prepared him for what happened on June 6, 1944, on five cold, forbidding beaches in northern France. It was D-Day, one of the most significant 24-hour periods of the 20th century, the horrifying tipping point in World War II that defined the future of Europe.

That morning, Shay could not yet fathom what the event would ultimately mean. He was more concerned with the bleeding soldiers, body parts and corpses strewn around him, and the machine-gun fire and shells that filled the air.

“You have to realize my vision of the beach was very small. I could only experience what I could see,” he told The Associated Press, speaking from the now-glimmering Omaha Beach, whe..

President Trump Heads to Europe at a Time of Remembrance and Turmoil

(WASHINGTON) — Like a bull who keeps returning to the china shop, President Donald Trump is headed back to Europe, where on previous visits he has strained historic friendships and insulted his hosts. This time, he faces an ally in turmoil and a global call to renew democratic pacts.

The agenda for Trump’s weeklong journey is both ceremonial and official: a state visit and an audience with Queen Elizabeth II in London, D-Day commemoration ceremonies on both sides of the English Channel and his first presidential visit to Ireland, which will include a stay at his coastal golf club.

But the president will arrive at a precarious moment, as he faces a fresh round of impeachment fervor back home and uncertainty on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

British Prime Minister Theresa May will step down days after Trump visits and French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to use the 75th anniversary of the World War II battle that turned the tide in Europe to call for strengthening the m..

Kladivem! Zdeněk Zbořil k ,,Milionu chvilek”: Je jasné, co nám chtějí dělat

Politolog Zdeněk Zbořil se v rozhovoru pro ParlamentníListy.cz vyjádřil k výsledkům voleb do Evropského parlamentu. Ale nejen k nim – jeho zrak padl i na konec–nekonec ministra kultury Antonína Staňka (ČSSD) či na střet zájmů Andreje Babiše (ANO). „Vypadá to, že na zásadní zvrat se těší všichni, ti, kdo chtějí podřezávat poslance jako prasata (ty, kteří hlasovali pro zdanění církevních restitucí) nebo prezidenta republiky, nebo kteří chtějí, jak píší v Protiproudu.cz, nám tu demokracii a pravdu a lásku ‚vtlouct do hlavy kladivem‘. Anebo prostě jen ti, kteří chtějí páchat zlo ve jménu dobra,“ poznamenal pak Zbořil k další demonstraci Milionu chvilek pro demokracii, jež se má uskutečnit v úterý.

Podvody s řidičáky skončily zatýkáním

Zatčením zkušebního komisaře z Městského úřadu v Přešticích a 52leté manželky majitele autoškoly z jižního Plzeňska ukončili kriminalisté několik měsíců trvající prověřování případu, v němž jde o podezření z podvodu při získávání řidičáků.

Na MPSV bdí nad informačními technologiemi lidé bez bezpečnostní prověrky

Informační technologie a zakázky s nimi spojené jsou dlouhodobou Achillovou patou ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí. Už rok a půl se nedaří najít náměstka, který by nad sekcí IT a ekonomiky bděl. Navíc to vypadá, že ostře sledovaný sektor IT mají kontrolovat lidé, kteří nedisponují bezpečnostní prověrkou nezbytnou k nakládání s utajovanými informacemi.

German Government Sways After Social Democrat Leader Quits

BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed Sunday to continue with her government after the leader of the center-left Social Democrats, a junior partner in the coalition, resigned following a series of disappointing election results.

In a surprise announcement hours earlier, Andrea Nahles had announced she planned to quit, saying she wanted “clarity” after questions were raised about her ability to lead the Social Democrats. The party finished third in last month’s European Parliament election, receiving 15.8% of the vote behind Merkel’s center-right Union bloc with 28.9% and the Greens with 20.5%.

“The necessary support for me to carry out my duties isn’t there anymore,” Nahles said in a statement. The 48-year-old said she would be stepping down from her post as chairwoman of the Social Democrats and leader of its parliamentary faction in the coming days to ensure that her successors are found “in an orderly fashion.”

Merkel voiced respect for Nahles’ decision, calling her a “f..

The U.K. Prepares to Jeer and Cheer President Donald Trump During State Visit

When U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump travel through central London to Buckingham Palace on Monday, they will be greeted by more than one hundred thousand protestors, activists say.

Trump arrives in London on Monday for his first official state visit to the U.K. During the three-day visit the President is set to dine with Queen Elizabeth, attend discussions with British Prime Minister Theresa May and commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, when 150,000 allied troops pushed German forces from France.

Wherever Trump goes over the next three days, he’ll almost certainly be met with heated protests. Anti-Trump demonstrations are set to take place in London and across the U.K. during the visit. Kate Hudson, Secretary General of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), tells TIME she expects hundreds of thousands to gather from all around the country. “There’s very strong opposition to Trump in the U.K.,” she says.

Demonstrations will begin on Mo..