Neomluvené hodiny? Kdepak. Za klimatické záškoláctví se naopak rozdávají pochvaly

Stávky Fridays for the Future jsou fenomén, který se ze Švédska rozšířil po celé Evropě. Jak se k nim staví české školy? Různě. Někde prý dávají za neomluvené hodiny důtky a někteří pedagogové si myslí, že stávkující studenti jsou trapní. Jinde zase pochvaly od ředitelky. „Důtku za klima si podle mě nezaslouží studenti, ale politici, kteří dopady lidské činnosti na klima dlouhou dobu přehlíželi,“ řekl k tomu Babišův ministr Brabec.

The U.N. Envoy for Myanmar Will ‘Ring the Alarm Bell’ If No Action is Taken on the Rohingya Crisis

(UNITED NATIONS) — The U.N. envoy for Myanmar said Monday that progress on alleviating the crisis that led more than 720,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to neighboring Bangladesh has been slow and if there is no action it will be time to “ring the alarm bell.”

Christine Schraner-Burgener was responding to frustrated speeches and questions from many countries — from Bangladesh to Saudi Arabia to the United States — on the lack of progress in returning Rohingya nearly two years after they fled a violent crackdown by Myanmar’s military.

She told the General Assembly there are “not a lot of changes on the ground,” pointing to “many challenges” including Myanmar’s civilian leaders having “to navigate an extremely difficult environment in which the military continues to have considerable political influence.”

In addition, Schraner-Burgener said, “immense complexities” inside the country have been “an impediment” in addition to the Rohingya crisis. She cited Myanmar’s 70 years of isolation, 2..

Hong Kong’s Embattled Leader Appeals for Calm in the Wake of Violent Anti-Government Protests

Hong Kong was struggling to come to terms this morning with the violent ransacking of the legislature on July 1—the 22nd anniversary of the former British colony’s retrocession to China.

On Monday night, hundreds of anti-China rioters battered their way through glass doors and steel shutters and ran rampant through the Legislative Council, locally referred to as LegCo. They smashed fixtures, spray-painted the walls with slogans and destroyed portraits of unpopular leaders, before breaching the debating chamber and draping the colonial flag across the president’s desk.

Government-run media reported Tuesday that the legislature’s president had canceled all sessions for the next two weeks, effectively beginning the body’s summer recess. Authorities meanwhile pledged to bring rioters to justice, with police cordoning off the wrecked building and declaring it a crime scene.

Looking tired and subdued, Hong Kong’s embattled top official, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, called a press conferenc..

John Bok nakládá. Na Letné by se mělo demonstrovat hlavně za odchod inženýra z Hradu. A kdo skončil v kanále?

ROZHOVOR Měl by Babiš odejít? John Bok se domnívá, že ano. „Pokud se rozhodne demonstrovat čtvrt milionu lidí, mají na to právo. Jestli budou jejich požadavky vyslyšeny, nebo ne, tedy jestli Andrej Babiš skutečně odstoupí, to už je jiná věc, ale vyvolá to minimálně další akce,“ říká k masové demonstraci ne Letné, největší od roku 1989, známý aktivista a disident. A pokud jde o prezidenta Miloše Zemana, nešetří Bok kritikou.

Babiš se bojí voleb víc než ČSSD, Zeman si užívá ústavní darebáctví, říká Dienstbier

Prezident Miloš Zeman pohrdá ústavou a snaží se likvidovat sociální demokracii.
Pokud jednání mezi Zemanem a Andrejem Babišem nepovede k výsledku a premiér nepodá kompetenční žalobu, tak tím Babiš dává najevo, že o vládu vlastně nestojí, myslí si senátor Jiří Dientsbier z ČSSD.
On sám by už z vlády dávno odešel, nemyslí si ale, že za současný stav může předseda Jan Hamáček. Sociální demokracie by se podle něj ale měla chovat sebevědomě a zásadově.

Princess Diana’s Famous Virgin Atlantic Workout Sweatshirt for Sale

(BOSTON) — The baggy Virgin Atlantic sweatshirt Princess Diana wore to discourage media interest in her exercise routine is for sale. Boston-based RR Auction says the dark blue cotton-polyester sweatshirt that was a gift from airline founder Richard Branson is expected to get more than $5,000 during the online auction.

The garment features the airline’s ‘flying lady’ logo with the words “Fly Atlantic” in white.

It is being sold by Jenni Rivett, Diana’s longtime personal trainer. Diana gave Rivett several sweatshirts months before her August 1997 death.

Sarina Carlos—APThis undated photo released Monday, July 1, 2019, by RR Auction shows Princess Diana’s sweatshirt, to be auctioned through July 10, by the Boston-based auction firm.In a letter that comes with the shirt, Rivett writes that Diana thought there were more pressing issues in the world to worry about, so wearing the same thing to every session would be “a good way to stop the media frenzy.”

Drowned Migrants Óscar and Valeria Martínez Mourned in Private Funeral at El Salvador Cemetery

(SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador) — A man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross into Texas were laid to their final rest Monday, a week after a heartbreaking image of their bodies floating in the Rio Grande circled the globe. About 200 relatives and friends followed a hearse bearing the bodies of Óscar Martínez and his 23-month-old daughter Valeria inside La Bermeja municipal cemetery in southern San Salvador. The ceremony was private, and journalists were not allowed access.

Many wore black and wept. They carried flowers and green palms, and some held signs bearing the logo of the Alianza soccer team favored by Óscar Martínez, who belonged to a group that supports the club. “For those who cheer you on from heaven,” one read.

“I knew them. They are good people, and I can’t believe they died this way,” said Berta Padilla, who arrived earlier along with about 30 others on a bus from Altavista, the working-class city the Martínezes called home before they left in early April, hea..