A Man Tried to Smuggle Cocaine Into Spain by Hiding It Under His Toupee

Spanish police said Tuesday that a Colombian man was detained at Barcelona’s international airport for trying to smuggle cocaine into the country under a toupee.

The unnamed man, who arrived on a flight from Bogota, attempted to hide cocaine worth $34,000 under a large hairpiece covered by a hat, reports Reuters. The drugs weighed about one pound.

Reuters reports that the man aroused the suspicion of police due to his nervous appearance and unusually large hairpiece.

“There is no limit to the inventiveness of drug traffickers trying to mock controls,” the police said in a statement cited by Reuters.

Police posted a photo of the man on their Twitter account, apparently still wearing the toupee with the contraband stowed underneath it.

Detenido en #Barcelona con droga en su peluquín…. ¡¡se le va a caer el pelo!! ????????‍♂????????‍♀https://t.co/IUjl9l63Du pic.twitter.com/wLxIBBB9Ff

— Policía Nacional (@policia) July 16, 2019

More than 220 pounds of cocaine were seized by police at the airport..

Pakistan Has Arrested the Suspected Mastermind of the Mumbai Attacks, Days Before Prime Minister Visits U.S.

(MULTAN, Pakistan) — Pakistani authorities say they have arrested a radical cleric and U.S.-wanted terror suspect blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks, just days ahead of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s trip to Washington.

Counterterrorism official Mohammad Shafiq says Hafiz Saeed was taken into custody in Punjab province on Wednesday while he was traveling from the eastern city of Lahore to the city of Gujranwala.

He said Saeed appeared before a judge and was ordered held in jail until the next hearing.

Saeed founded the Lashkar-e-Taiba group blamed for the Mumbai attacks. The U.S. has offered $10 million for him.

Pakistan banned Saeed’s charities earlier this year and has previously detained him, along with several close aides. However, he has not been charged or put on trial so far.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian Imprisoned in Iran, Has Been Moved to a Psychiatric Ward

The husband of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian woman who has been in jail in Iran for more than three years, says she has been moved to a hospital psychiatric ward, according to the BBC.

The 40-year-old aid worker ended a 15-day hunger strike last month. Her husband, Richard Ratcliffe, also went on a hunger strike in London.

Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who worked for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was arrested at the end of a family visit in April, 2016. She was reportedly convicted of spying and spreading propaganda, which she denies.

Ratcliffe says he fears the Iranian Revolutionary Guard might be isolating his wife to pressure her to sign denouncements, the BBC reports.

According to the BBC, her father visited the Tehran hospital Tuesday, but was not allowed to see her.

The Free Nazanin Campaign said that before her transfer, Zaghari-Ratcliffe told family, “I was healthy and happy when I came to Iran to see my parents. Look at me now — I ended up in an asylum. It should be..

Proboha: „Agentka!“ Děsivé věci o prezidentce Čaputové

Během kampaně i po ní se co chvíli objevovala nařčení slovenské prezidentky, že je tzv. agentkou Sorose. Jak informoval Blesk.cz, Čaputová to odmítla při návštěvě Maďarska. „Myslím si, že každé seriózní médium by se mělo vyhýbat šíření konspirační propagandy,“ prohlásila. „Myslíte si, že se to dá odbýt jednou větou a tvářit se, že je to konspirace? Nebuďte směšná, paní prezidentko,“ odpovídá jí slovenský poslanec Ľuboš Blaha. A dodává, že ani nemusela Sorose v životě vidět, aby mohla být označena za jeho agentku. Stačí, že brala jeho peníze.

Ufňukaný kecy. Tvůj táta podjebával Jakeše, tak to máš. Saša Uhlová dostala odpověď na nářky, jak je chudá

Analytik Štěpán Kotrba se vyjádřil k článku novinářky Saši Uhlové, který zveřejnil server Novinky.cz. Uhlová si stěžuje, jak v její pražské čtvrti, kde bydlí, končí jeden krámek za druhým. Podle jejích slov jde o to, že se mění skladba obyvatelstva, kdy místo stálých obyvatel jsou v lokalitě turisté a cizinci. A i ona sama se domnívá, že brzy ji vysoké nájmy vyženou.

,,Z roku 89 je hromada hnoje.” Generál Blaško o Havlovi či ,,žbleptech” Jourové. Hledejte viníky, vyzývá

POLOČAS HORKÉHO ROKU „Odkaz toho, co mělo být motem roku 1989, šíbři obrátili v hromadu hnoje. Bohužel,“ komentuje nemilosrdně posledních třicet let od pádu komunismu europoslanec, generálmajor Hynek Blaško. Zločiny privatizace by však podle něj vyšetřeny být měly, ať už jsou promlčeny, nebo nikoliv. Je třeba znát viníky. Před eurokomisařkou Věrou Jourovou se zastal seniorů. Má je nechat na pokoji, čeští senioři jsou prý protřelí životem a umějí se orientovat. Současně varoval před přijetím eura, s nímž bychom přijali i dluhy.