Jsme všichni vrazi? Vzkaz kapitánce, která vozí Salvinimu migranty. Zase přivezla nové!

Německá námořní kapitánka lodi Sea-Watch 3 Carola Racketeová se má dnes dostavit k odloženému výslechu do sicilského města Agrigento.
I přes zákaz přijímat uprchlíky jich přivezla Italům z Afriky hned 40.
Předseda SPD Tomio Okamura ji v tomto týdnu zde v Parlamentních listech označil jako „sluníčkářku, která se snad zbláznila“!
Kromě toho nadbytečného adverbia „snad“ s tím lze v podstatě souhlasit.
Říká pro PL komentátor Lidových novin Tomáš Procházka.

Západ? Čaputová? Tereza Spencerová se omlouvá přátelům, ale nemůže jinak. „U blbejch,“ dodává

OKNO DO SVĚTA TEREZY SPENCEROVÉ Snažím se na Blízkém východě vysvětlovat a obhajovat západní politiku a cítím se trapně. Omlouvala jsem se za despelt k Zuzaně Čaputové slovenským přátelům v Praze a zjistila jsem, že ji vidí podobně, sděluje analytička Tereza Spencerová v rámci pravidelného shrnutí týdenních událostí na ParlamentníchListech.cz. Věnuje se též ,,kydům” Donalda Trumpa na demokratické kongresmanky a dovozu ruských raket do Turecka.

A Man Who Wrote a Message in a Bottle 50 Years Ago Has Been Found

The man who wrote a 50-year-old message in a bottle found on Wednesday has been tracked down.

ABC located Paul Gilmore, who wrote the letter when he was 13, through his family in Australia and England, who say that he’s currently on a cruise in the Baltic and he doesn’t know his letter has been found yet.

But his family was pleasantly surprised by the resurfacing of his letter.

“It’s amazing, absolutely incredible,” his sister Annie Crossland said, according to ABC. “He’ll be chuffed to bits.” She added that “he sent about six of them.”

Paul’s younger brother, David, said the letter belonged to him, according to ABC. “It’s really strange,” he said. “I’m looking at the message now and yeah, I can see it’s my brother’s writing — he’s obviously a bit younger then.”

Gilmore threw the letter overboard while on a ship traveling with his family from England to Australia, where they emigrated, according to ABC. He was looking for a penpal.

According to ABC, he included his future address..

India Grapples With a Water Shortage as City Residents Reach Their Limits

As severe flooding forces millions of people from their homes in northern India, residents in the south of the country are facing a different kind of water crisis: drought. On July 12, a train carrying 2.5 million liters of water arrived in the city of Chennai. That load will provide relief to residents who have struggled with shortages for the past month, but a “Day Zero”–when piped water sources are expected to run dry–is on the horizon for 20 other cities across the country.

In the 2018 monsoon, Chennai, home to more than 8 million people, saw 55% less rainfall than average–the worst drought in 70 years. Located in the state of Tamil Nadu, Chennai was once rich in lakes and wetlands. But rapid urbanization has diminished these sources; millions of city residents now line up daily in sweltering heat to collect small rations of water. Some people have turned to open defecation as a way to reduce water usage, or are reusing dirty water for cooking and cleaning.

According to an Indian..

Argentina Faces Choice Between Hard Reforms and Populism

No leader wants to face voters when times are tough, particularly in this era of wild-card winners, incumbent losers and brand-new political parties in country after country. That’s why Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri is still widely considered an underdog to win re-election in October.

Last year he told Argentina’s people that after years of economic crisis and isolation, “the worst is over.” That might be true. Their currency has stabilized, inflation is finally slowing, and the cost of borrowing is down. On the other hand, the improvement is marginal. The economy remains in recession, the unemployment rate is still 10%, and price inflation is above 50%. To meet the demands of the International Monetary Fund–a lender that many Argentines love to hate for the austerity it demanded in return for its cash through years of economic hardship–Macri’s government has cut spending.

The opponent he’s likely to face in a second-round runoff doesn’t carry much political baggage. Alberto F..

Sudeťáci se změnili. Vy ne, čeští nácíčci a bolševici! A pak učitel dostal tvrdou odpověď

Návrh, že by se sraz Sudetoněmeckého krajanského sdružení eventuálně konal v Čechách pozvedl ze židle kdekoho. Naposledy téma zvedl Jakub Roth na Foru24, kde tvrdí, že je to dobrý nápad. Prý proto, že to „strašně rozčílí naše česko-moravsko-slezské nácíčky a bolševiky“, a také to prý povede k usmíření a lepšímu poznání našich sousedů. Roth také vyčítá Čechům komunisty a dodává: „Vy sami jste udávali a vy sami jste zabíjeli ve jménu jedné ideologie. Takže – co chcete komu vyčítat? Oni se změnili. Vy ne. Takže, prosím, mlčte a styďte se!“ Ale právník Tomáš Tyl má na jeho výzvu drsnou odpověď: „Oni se změnili jen tak, že chtějí zpět to, co drželi.“ A připomíná nacistické zločiny.

Havlův odkaz z Listopadu 89? To jako ti udavači? Dotaz, který Kláru Samkovou rozpálil

POLOČAS HORKÉHO ROKU Kdo má být „uchovávatelem odkazu“ 17. listopadu? ptá se v rozhovoru pro PL.cz advokátka Klára Samková. „Udavači ze sociálních sítí i v reálném životě? Nebo ti, kteří vykládají, jak jsou lepší, chytřejší a morálně bezúhonnější?“ Chovají se podle ní jako farizejové. „Ve své nadřazenosti by ukamenovali i Ghándího a, což je ještě pozoruhodnější, myslím, že by zvedli ruku i proti Havlovi. Jsem přesvědčena, že jestli něco Václavu Havlovi bylo naprosto cizí, tak ten postoj nadřazenosti nad ostatními… Jeho ‚přátelé‘, zaštiťující se jeho jménem, se však takového jednání neštítí,“ konstatuje. Vysvětluje, i proč lidé nevypadají šťastní. „Lidství v České republice není hodnota sama o sobě. Opět vítězství udavačství a stažení se s veřejného prostoru.“

WHO Declares Ebola in Congo a Public-Health Emergency Nearly a Year After Outbreak

The second-worst Ebola outbreak in history has killed more than 1,500 people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since it began last August. And on Wednesday, nearly a year after the outbreak began, and in the midst of renewed concerns over its spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public-health emergency of international concern.

The decision is meant to spur a stronger response from the international community in hopes of ending the outbreak, which has proved difficult to contain due to a humanitarian crisis DRC, attacks on health care workers and rampant misinformation within the country. Concerns of further spread were reignited last month when infected individuals died in neighboring Uganda after traveling from the DRC. The disease’s presence was also recently confirmed in the DRC city of Goma, which is considered a transport hub and is near the Rwandan border.

“Now is the time for the international community to stand in solidarity with th..

The U.S. Just Revoked Turkey’s Access to F-35 Fighters After It Took Delivery of a Russian Missile System

(WASHINGTON) — The White House says Turkey can no longer be part of the American F-35 fighter jet program.

In a written statement, the White House said Wednesday that Turkey’s decision to buy the Russian S-400 air defense system “renders its continued involvement with the F-35 impossible.”

The White House did not say explicitly that Turkey will be kicked out of the F-35 program, but the Pentagon was expected to do so.

Turkey makes numerous components for the stealth aircraft. If Turkey is removed, as expected, the U.S. will have to find alternative suppliers.

President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that the S-400 purchase means Turkey will not be allowed to purchase any F-35 planes.

Yet to be announced is whether the U.S. will impose economic sanctions on Turkey for its decision.

The Internet Is Also Keen on Storming These Other Places After the Rise of the ‘Area 51 Raid’

Taking over with the Area 51 raid apparently isn’t enough to sate the Internet’s hunger for collective force. Following the rabid success of the “Storm Area 51” Facebook event-turned-potential-meme of the year, there’s been an apparent uptick in “storming” events all around the world.

While the original “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” Facebook event has garnered 1.5 million potential attendees to date, it’s been clear that the event was a moment of collective jest for the Internet, who quickly created out-of-this-world memes and jokes about it. That humor was somewhat lost on the Air Force, who went so far as to make a statement that “any attempt to illegally access military installations or military training areas is dangerous.”

The playful spirit of “Storm Area 51,” however, is now being reincarnated in new events around the globe. From Australia to New York City, it’s clear that this meme and movement has arrived. Read on for a guide to the other places that the Interne..