Obrovská facka Havlovi. Moravský podnikatel nad hrobem Františka Čuby provolal…

Moravský podnikatel Libor Sitař obviňuje Václava Havla, že to byl on a režim, který prosazoval, kdo zničili „hospodářský zázrak“ JZD Slušovice. Podle něho tím uvolnili i cestu pro Andreje Babiše. Dle Sitaře je načase, aby družstva a hlavně František Čuba byli rehabilitováni. „Zničit práci Františka Čuby, ideologicky a morálně zdehonestovat v té době populární osobnost zakladatele slušovického fenoménu, protože jeho úspěch by jinak popřel neoliberální dogmata,“ popisuje údajné důvody, proč k likvidaci došlo.

„Že studuje politiku tři hodiny denně?“ Komentátorka se vysmála Dominiku Haškovi, který nevyloučil boj o Hrad

ROZHOVOR „Kdybych třeba já řekla, že studuju tři hodiny denně hokej, asi by pan Hašek také nebyl úplně v obraze, co tím chtěl básník říci,“ reaguje komentátorka Karolina Stonjeková na oznámení hokejové legendy Dominika Haška, že pilně studuje politiku a nevylučuje kandidaturu na prezidenta ČR. Podobných „apolitických“ kandidátů prý uvidíme stále více, avšak Stonjeková připomíná, že takový nevyhrál ani v roce 2018, a předpovídá, že se tak nestane ani příště. Stonjeková se také věnuje situaci v ODS, která se zabývá myšlenkami na společný blok s TOP 09 a STAN. A přidává vzpomínku, jak to s vnitrostranickou demokracií bylo za Mirka Topolánka.

Hong Kong Protesters Disrupt Trains During Morning Rush Hour

Hundreds of protesters disrupted subway stations across Hong Kong during the busy morning commute Tuesday, blocking carriage doors and preventing the trains from leaving. Harried passengers faced transportation chaos as groups of demonstrators flooded the platforms and forced service delays or partial suspensions.

Protests have rocked Asia’s financial capital for eight consecutive weeks in a movement that has pitted demonstrators against the city’s Beijing-back administration. Increasingly, the protests have pursued tactics that interrupt daily life in the city.

Tuesday morning’s train disruptions, the second in a week, followed a sit-in at the city’s international airport on Friday, as well as rallies that ended in violent clashes and police firing tear gas in residential areas on Saturday and Sunday.

While the protests were sparked in June by an extradition bill that has since been suspended, the movement has morphed into a broader revolt against the Chinese government’s control o..

Chinese Officials Defend Xinjiang Camps as a ‘Pioneering’ Approach for Fighting Terrorism

An official from China’s northwestern Xinjiang region called the country’s practice of detaining Muslim minorities a “pioneering” approach to combating terrorism, and claimed that most people interned in controversial facilities have been released.

Speaking at a press conference in Beijing Tuesday, Shohrat Zakir, Xinjiang’s Uighur governor, said that most of the detainees who were held in the euphemistically dubbed “re-education centers” have left after signing “work contracts” with area companies, the Associated Press reports.

Zakir declined to provide the number of people still arbitrarily detained, according to AP, but the U.S. State Department estimates up to 2 million Turkic Muslims are being held in the internment camps.

Beijing has drawn international condemnation for the practice. After initially denying the existence of a mass incarceration program, the Chinese government defended the detentions as a form of “re-education” and “vocational training,” comparing the centers to..

Notre Dame Fire: Environmental Group Files Lead Poisoning Lawsuit

By the time the fire at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was extinguished in April, the entire roof had vanished. Made from hundreds of tons of lead, it had melted in the high heat, dispersing toxic particles across nearby streets and buildings and into the cathedral itself.

Now, an environmental group has accused Paris authorities of doing too little to mitigate the risks of lead poisoning after the fire, alleging that both city authorities and the diocese had allowed residents, visitors and workers to be exposed to a “toxic fallout.”

After the Notre Dame fire, officials said there was no danger to people living and working in the surrounding area. But the lawsuit, filed by the group Robin des Bois, alleges the city knowingly put people in danger by doing too little to tackle the fallout.

TIME exclusive: Inside the Fight Over How Notre Dame Should Rise From the Ashes

Lead poisoning, caused by ingesting too much of the substance through the air or through food and drink, can be especi..

Středočeská potyčka. Fanoušci šéfa STANu vyhrožovali radnímu kraje. Ten se neudržel

Vít Rakušan, předseda hnutí STAN, na svém facebookovém profilu minulý týden zveřejnil příspěvek, který se týkal Kolínského expresu. Jedná se o magazín, který vydal středočeský radní a zastupitel Kolína Martin Herman (ANO) kvůli tomu, jak sám uvedl: „Že v Kolíně je velmi malý prostor na diskusi okolo skandálů končícího starosty Rakušana. A že těch skandálů je.“