Graeme Gibson, Canadian Author and Margaret Atwood’s Longtime Partner, Dies at 85

Graeme Gibson, the Canadian author of books including Five Legs and Perpetual Motion and longtime partner of author Margaret Atwood, has died. He was 85.

His publisher, Penguin Random House, announced his death in a press release Wednesday.

Atwood said in a statement that her longtime love “went out on a high.”

“We are devastated by the loss of Graeme, our beloved father, grandfather, and spouse, but we are happy that he achieved the kind of swift exit he wanted and avoided the decline into further dementia that he feared. He had a lovely last few weeks, and he went out on a high, surrounded by love, friendship and appreciation. We are grateful for his wise, ethical, and committed life.”

The Handmaid’s Tale author recently told TIME for its Sept. 3 cover story that she became a caretaker to Gibson while he battled dementia, bringing him to doctor’s appointments while completing her latest novel, The Testaments, a sequel to her acclaimed dystopian best-seller.

The literary couple m..

Israel’s Election Has Ended in Deadlock. Here’s What Could Happen Next

Israel’s second election in fewer than six months has ended in political deadlock, leaving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing an uncertain future and paving the way for protracted coalition negotiations. As the official count filtered in on Wednesday, no side emerged with a clear path to government.

“The era of Netanyahu is over,” claimed one opposition lawmaker as exit polls emerged Tuesday night. But while the prime minister is down, he’s not yet out. As pre-election polls had predicted, Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud party together with allied right-wing nationalist and religious parties fell well short of securing the 61 seats required for a parliamentary majority. But so did his principal opponent Benny Gantz, who leads the nominally centrist party Blue and White. With 91% of the votes counted, Blue and White had 32 seats, with Likud on 31. It remains to be seen which of the two leaders Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who occupies a largely ceremonial role, will ask to fo..

Canadian Teenager Diagnosed With ‘Severe Respiratory Illness’ Linked to Vaping

A Canadian teenager has been diagnosed with “severe respiratory illness” linked to use of vaping products, health officials in Ontario, Canada, confirmed Wednesday.

“As far as we are aware this is the first case of vaping related illness that’s been reported in Canada,” said Dr. Christopher Mackie, the medical officer of health and CEO of the Middlesex-London Health Unit, at a press conference.

According to Mackie, the unidentified individual was a “high school age youth” who had “no other health issues whatsoever.” He added that “[the individual] had quite a severe illness course, including ICU life support.” The teenager recovered and is now at home. Mackie’s said his team was notified of the case late last week.

Mackie would not comment if the individual had vaped cannabis, which some have argued is driving the rise of vaping-related illnesses in the United States.

As of Sept. 11, the Center for Disease Control in the U.S. had identified 380 confirmed and probable cases of lung ..

Sůl do ran Milionu chvilek. A s Fialou to také nepůjde. Komentátorka hodnotí terén po Babišově výhře

ROZHOVOR „Bojovat proti propagandě propagandou je zhruba stejně smysluplné, jako souložit za panenství,“ vzkazuje komentátorka Karolina Stonjeková do České televize, kde se rozhodli vysílat zábavný pořad To se ví. Tento veřejnoprávní počin na poli boje s dezinformacemi se v hodnocení diváků na serveru ČSFD drží pod 20 procenty, čímž patří k tomu nejhůře hodnocenému, co Kavčí hory kdy vyprodukovaly. „Opozice prostě na programový a politický boj s Babišem žádnou energii ani nemá. Nemá lídry, nemá spíkry, nemá tah na branku,“ shrnuje Stonjeková největší bolest stran, které se vymezují vůči premiéru Babišovi.

Miliony Čechů jsou v ohrožení, ukázal výzkum. Rozdělení ale nejsme, říká sociolog

Společnost není rozdělená na dva tábory, je spíš rozmělněná.
V hledání extrémů se ztrácí to, že velká část lidí stojí někde uprostřed a chce hledat kompromisy, míní Martin Buchtík, ředitel STEM a spoluautor výzkumu pro Český rozhlas.
Ten ukázal, že společnost tvoří šest sociálních tříd – od zajištěné až po strádající. Překvapilo mě velké zastoupení ohrožené třídy, říká sociolog.

Israel’s Two Main Political Parties Are Deadlocked After a Repeat Election

(JERUSALEM) — Israel’s two main political parties were deadlocked Wednesday after an unprecedented repeat election, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing an uphill battle to hold on to his job.

The election’s seeming political kingmaker, Avigdor Lieberman, said he’ll insist upon a secular unity government between Netanyahu’s Likud and Benny Gantz’s Blue and White parties, who based on partial results are currently tied at 32 seats each out of the 120 in parliament.

Without Lieberman’s endorsement, both parties appear to have fallen well short of securing a parliamentary majority with their prospective ideological allies.

With results still pouring in, Lieberman insisted the overall picture was unlikely to change. He also demanded a secular “liberal” government shorn of the religious and ultra-Orthodox allies the prime minister has heavily courted.

“The conclusion is clear, everything we said throughout the campaign is coming true,” he said outside his home in the West Bank ..

E.U. Chief Says the Risk of a No-Deal Brexit ‘Remains Very Real’

(STRASBOURG, France) — The risk of Britain leaving the European Union without a divorce deal remains “very real,” European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker declared Wednesday as EU lawmakers debated the ramifications of a no-deal Brexit.

Speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, Juncker, who met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday, said a no-deal Brexit “might be the choice of the U.K., but it will never be ours.”

After the debate, the European Parliament is set to adopt a resolution laying out its concerns about Britain’s impending departure from the 28-nation bloc on Oct. 31. Johnson has been adamant the U.K. will leave the EU on that date with or without a withdrawal agreement.

The main sticking point over a Brexit deal is the Irish border backstop, which would require Britain to respect EU trade and customs rules in order to avoid a hard border between EU member Ireland and the U.K.’s Northern Ireland until a better solution is found.

“I hav..

Babiš pro PL: Koněv? Je to jinak. Rusko zpět do hry. Nový úder neziskovkám. Bakalova sekta. Vzkaz Petříčkovi

ROZHOVOR S PREMIÉREM Historii musíme přijímat v celé její šíři a nevybírat si účelově jen části, říká Andrej Babiš v reakci na chystané odstranění sochy maršála Koněva a oceňuje jeho úlohu při osvobození Čech. Premiér souhlasí s Donaldem Trumpem, aby se Rusko vrátilo zpět do G8. Parlamentní s Babišem probraly i téma neziskovek, post Jourové v Evropské komisi nebo činnost ministra zahraničí Petříčka.