„Imigranti? Někdo za nimi stojí.“ Jozef Golonka otevřeně. I o Babišovi a Čaputové

ROZHOVOR Jozef Golonka, nezaměnitelná legenda československého hokeje. Reprezentoval 134krát, byl dlouholetým kapitánem národního mužstva, za které vstřelil 82 branek. Má doma dvě olympijské medaile a čtyři z mistrovství světa a mnoho dalších ocenění. Je členem CELKEM čtyř síní slávy – IIHF, české, slovenské, a dokonce i německé. V rozhovoru pro ParlamentníListy.cz hovoří o slovenském hokeji, Zuzaně Čaputové, migraci a o nápadu na společnou hokejovou ligu Čechů a Slováků.

Foldyna: Evropa bílých heterosexuálů vymírá. Přestup k SPD? Vyloučit nemohu nic

Jsem tolerantní, ale lidé, kteří chodí po Václavském náměstí s pavím perem zapíchnutým do zadku, velmi vážně ohrožují naše rodiny. Genderismus a liberalismus likvidují základní principy společnosti, tvrdí poslanec ČSSD Jaroslav Foldyna. V pátek těsně ustál hlasování o svém vyloučení ze strany.
Budu v politice, dokud budu moci, třicet let mluvím stejně a nehodlám na tom nic měnit, říká.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan Warns of a Possible War With India Over Kashmir

(UNITED NATIONS) — Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan bluntly warned that war was possible over India’s crackdown in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, while U.S. President Donald Trump buddied up to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in their second meeting in three days.

Trump urged the sides to resolve their differences even as he gushed over Modi, saying he was as popular as American rock legend Elvis Presley.

Khan had a much different description for Modi when talking to reporters Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly in New York: “racist.”

The nuclear-armed rivals, which have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, have been locked in a worsening standoff since Aug. 5, when Modi stripped the portion of Kashmir that India controls of its limited autonomy.

Modi’s Hindu nationalist-led government imposed a sweeping military curfew and cut off residents in the Muslim-majority region from virtually all communications.

“For 50 days, the people of Kashmir have been loc..

Rovnou na úřad práce? Opravdu se snažila Romům pomoct: Exstarostka Miklošová promlouvá. Příběhy z praxe

ROZHOVOR „Zatím jen odcházejí. Ještě nevzali do rukou klacky,“ tak na slova ministryně Maláčové o nepokojích reaguje exstarostka Obrnic Drahomíra Miklošová, která kdysi získala cenu za nápaditou integraci Romů. „Bez nich by nebyla uklizená vesnice. Ale ta pěstounská péče v jejich komunitě! Poznají u nás nůžky a hygienu,“ odkrývá pro ParlamentníListy.cz neotřelé zkušenosti. To ona přinesla nápad demolice vybydlených domů nebo výkupy bytů, když si ještě ostatní ťukali na čelo. Mluví i o internátech pro menšinu nebo školačkách na mateřské. Měla by vizionářku poslouchat ministryně? Prý stačí, aby zapomněla na spanilé jízdy a sedla si…

Trump Suggests Prime Minister Narendra Modi Be Known as the ‘Father of India’

(UNITED NATIONS) –– President Donald Trump is suggesting that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi be known as the “father of India” because of his success in uniting the nation.

Trump had nothing but laudatory words for Modi as the two met Tuesday on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly for their second meeting in three days.

Trump had traveled to Houston, Texas, on Sunday to join 50,000 Indian Americans in a big Texas welcome for Modi.

In his meeting with Modi on Tuesday, Trump took note of how Modi was cheered in Texas by members of the Indian diaspora, saying it was like Elvis had returned.

Trump says the U.S. and India are close to signing a trade agreement that would set the stage for a more comprehensive deal down the road.

Why Is Spain Digging Up the Remains of Its Former Dictator Francisco Franco?

More than 44 years after the death of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, a long-simmering political battle over his resting place may finally be at an end. Spain’s Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday that the government can exhume the former leader, against his family’s wishes.

Spain’s congress had approved a controversial plan to remove Franco’s remains from the Valley of the Fallen, a sprawling mausoleum just outside of Madrid, in 2018. Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s centre-left Socialist Party have long argued that the dictator should not lie in a grand public monument, a monument he shares with some 34,000 victims of the three-year civil war he started by overthrowing Spain’s democratically-elected government in 1936. Many of the bodies belong to Franco’s opponents and most have never been identified.

But Franco’s grandchildren mounted legal challenges to both the exhumation and the government’s choice of reburial grounds — a public cemetery on the outskirts of Madrid ..

Trump Administration Set to Triple Pro-Democracy Aid in Venezuela

(NEW YORK) — The Trump administration is more than tripling U.S. support for pro-democracy work in Venezuela and for the first time directly funding opposition leader Juan Guaidó as he attempts to set up a government to rival the socialist administration of Nicolás Maduro.

The $52 million in new aid was to be announced Tuesday by Mark Green, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, following a meeting in New York with Guaido’s envoy Carlos Vecchio, who the Trump administration recognizes as Venezuela’s ambassador in Washington.

The funding was mostly repurposed from humanitarian aid originally earmarked for Honduras and Guatemala that President Donald J. Trump cut last year after over what he said was the Central American countries’ failure to stem the flow of migrants to the U.S.

The funding boost represents a major doubling down in U.S. support of Guaidó, who has drawn recognition as Venezuela’s rightful leader by more than 50 nations. But he has been un..