Gun Battles Sweep Mexican City After Troops Locate El Chapo’s Son

CULIACAN, Mexico (AP) — An intense gunfight with heavy weapons and burning vehicles blocking roads paralyzed the capital of Mexico’s Sinaloa state Thursday after security forces located one of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s sons who is wanted in the U.S. on drug trafficking charges.

Mexican security secretary Alfonso Durazo said 30 members of the National Guard and army were patrolling in Culiacan when they were fired on from a house. They repelled the attack and inside the house found Ovidio Guzmán López.

The house was then surrounded by heavily armed gunmen who had “a greater force” and authorities decided to suspend the operation, Durazo said. He did not say if Ovidio Guzmán was arrested or went free.

“With the goal of safeguarding the well-being and tranquility of Culiacan society, officials in the security cabinet decided to suspend the actions,” said Durazo.

José Luis González Meza, a lawyer for “El Chapo’s” family, told The Associated Press that Guzmán’s family has said “Ovidio..

She’s 2 Years Old. Her Parents Have British Passports. So Why Is the U.K. Trying to Deport Her?

A two-year-old girl is facing deportation from the U.K. even though her parents each hold a British passport, in a move described as “cruel and sadistic” by a U.K. human rights lawyer.

Lucy Dutton was born in South Africa and brought to the United Kingdom by her parents in August 2018, when she was 11 months old. Her parents, both originally from South Africa, claimed British citizenship through their parents, who were born in the U.K.

But British citizenship through descent only extends to one generation, meaning Lucy does not have an automatic right to stay in the U.K. Her child visitor’s visa expired in February, and her parents’ subsequent attempts to apply for a right for Lucy to remain in the U.K. have been unsuccessful.

Laws regarding who is allowed to stay in the U.K. have generally become stricter since the Conservative Party came to power in 2010; the previous laws were “softer and more generous” according to Shoaib Khan, a U.K. human rights lawyer.

In particular, the eli..

Mexican Forces Suspend Operation Against El Chapo’s Son After Intense Gunbattles

(CULIACAN, Mexico) — An intense gunfight with heavy weapons and burning vehicles blocking roads paralyzed the capital of Mexico’s Sinaloa state Thursday after security forces located one of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s sons who is wanted in the U.S. on drug trafficking charges.

Mexican security secretary Alfonso Durazo said 30 members of the National Guard and army were patrolling in Culiacan when they were fired on from a house. They repelled the attack and inside the house found Ovidio Guzmán López.

The house was then surrounded by heavily armed gunmen who had “a greater force” and authorities decided to suspend the operation, Durazo said. He did not say if Ovidio Guzmán had been arrested or went free.

“With the goal of safeguarding the well-being and tranquility of Culiacan society, officials in the security cabinet decided to suspend the actions,” said Durazo.

José Luis González Meza, a lawyer for “El Chapo’s” family, told The Associated Press that Guzmán’s family has said “Ovid..

Extrémní starosta z Řeporyjí po exhibici s obuškem sedl k počítači a začal nadávat čtenářům

Starosta pražské městské části Řeporyje Pavel Novotný (ODS) čelí obvinění za podněcování k vraždě. Vše spustil jeho výrok na sociální síti o tom, že poslanec Zdeněk Ondráček (KSČM) by „měl viset“ za vlastizradu kvůli cestě do Doněcké lidové republiky. V kontextu s tím mu na profil ParlamentníchListů.cz přistála smršť zajímavých dotazů. Bojí se, že skončí za mřížemi? A netrpí tato „nevzhledná výloha ODS“ náhodou schizofrenii či nějakou úchylkou? Podívejte se, jak starosta odpověděl nejen na tyto čtenářské otázky.

Stále více lidí si uvědomuje, co se odehrává na Kavčích horách. Za Wollnera, Fridrichovou nebo Moravce už by ani chvilkaři moc dlouho nebojovali. Bobošíková nabádá poslance k odvaze

ROZHOVOR „Konečná zodpovědnost za stav ČT neleží na generálním řediteli ani na Radě, ale právě na poslancích. A ti se jí léta vyhýbají,“ říká někdejší europoslankyně a známá moderátorka Jana Bobošíková k aktuálním sporům ohledně dalšího fungování České televize. K dobru přidává zkušenost z poslední doby, kdy je častou adresátkou omluvných dopisů od lidí, kteří proti ní a tehdejšímu řediteli ČT Jiřímu Hodačovi před takřka dvaceti leti protestovali v rámci tzv. „spacákové revoluce“. Stále více lidí si prý uvědomuje, jak nebezpečné je, když veřejnoprávní televize neplní svůj úkol.

Profesní zločin v Událostech, komentářích. Moderátor nadržoval Němcové, a pak dokonce sám začal diskutovat. Petr Štěpánek volá po trestu

Miroslava Němcová z ODS, Barbora Kořanová z ANO a Radim Fiala z SPD ve čtvrtečních Událostech, komentářích debatovali o výročních zprávách o hospodaření České televize. Fiala znovu vystupoval jako velký kritik ČT, zatímco dámy vystupovaly podstatně smířlivější. Debatu moderoval Martin Řezníček; bývalý místopředseda Rady pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání Petr Štěpánek prohlásil, že Řezníček před kamerami spáchal „profesní zločin“. A varoval poslance…

Socialistická mentalita. Všichni ti „elfové“ ve skutečnosti jen dělají bordel. Naše nová kniha v některých kruzích vyvolá hysterii, obává se Markéta Šichtařová

ROZHOVOR Velký knižní čtvrtek je slavnostní premiérou nejočekávanějších titulů podzimní sezóny. A mezi ně se zařadila i novinka autorského dua ekonomů Markéta Šichtařová – Vladimír Pikora. Dvojice, která za předcházející knihy získala řadu literárních cen, představila divákům knihu „S androidkou v posteli“. Na dost nezvyklý název a to, co se pod ním v knize skrývá, jsme se zeptali ženské části autorského tandemu, Markéty Šichtařové.

‘It’s About Our Boy.’ Parents of U.K. Teen Allegedly Killed by Diplomat’s Wife Not Worried About Political Fight After Trump Meeting

Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn say they made a deathbed promise to seek justice for their son — and they have every intention to keep it.

Just two days after the pair took part in a bizarre White House meeting in which President Donald Trump attempted to ambush them with a surprise meeting with the woman believed to have struck and killed their 19-year-old son, Harry Dunn, the grieving parents tell TIME they cannot understand what the American government expects them to do, and they will not simply accept that their son’s suspected killer may be exempt from prosecution because she is the wife of a diplomat.

“That’s not going to happen,” Dunn tells TIME.

Anne Sacoolas, the wife of an American diplomat, is suspected to have struck Harry Dunn on his motorcycle in August, and then fled to the U.S. after claiming diplomatic immunity, igniting pressure on the U.S. to waive that immunity and allow the U.K. to press charges against her.

The parents came to the U.S. in an effort to persuade..

Kurds Await Fate as Trump, Turkey Celebrate Temporary ‘Ceasefire’

Eleven days ago, Kurdish and American troops fought side by side against ISIS, as they have for the last five years in Syria. A week ago, the Kurds watched those same Americans flee the battlefield in a disorderly retreat as the Kurds’ sworn enemy, Turkey, invaded their territory. Today, the Kurds saw Vice President Mike Pence seal their military defeat in the name of a “temporary ceasefire.”

Pence and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reached the agreement Thursday in Ankara, carving out a 20-mile wide “safe zone” in Syria set to be “primarily enforced” by Turkish forces, according to a document released by both sides. The U.S. agreed to cancel economic sanctions announced just days earlier. In return, Turkey agreed to suspend its military offensive in northern Syria for five days, nominally to allow Kurdish forces to collect their dead, wounded, and retreat from the area.

President Donald Trump hailed the deal as a major achievement. “I didn’t know it would work out this well,..

“Is She Scared?” Hong Kong Leader’s Deputy Catches Flak for Her No-Show on Government-Funded Radio

Hong Kong’s number two official met with a dismal reception Friday when he went on radio, in place of the enclave’s embattled leader Carrie Lam, to explain how the government planned to tackle five months of civil unrest.

Two morning news presenters at government-funded radio station RTHK demanded to know why Lam had not appeared on the show to explain policies herself, asking if she was “scared.” One presenter asked: “What is she doing now, that she can’t be on the show?”

Traditionally, Hong Kong leaders appear on the program after giving their annual policy speeches. Lam attempted to give her speech on Wednesday but unruly legislators forced her to abandon the attempt within minutes. She fled the legislature to streams of invective and calls for her ouster, and was forced to deliver the speech later on video.

In a stark illustration of the administration’s growing isolation, both presenters and callers to the public broadcaster then attacked Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung, accusin..