Deficitní rozpočet že je normální? Řeči typu „doba je těžká“… jen výmluvy. Ekonomka Šichtařová odkrývá největší problém rozpočtu

INVENTURA MARKÉTY ŠICHTAŘOVÉ V příštím roce čeká běžného daňového poplatníka v Česku nejvyšší daňové zatížení za posledních pětadvacet let. Daňová kvóta roste v době, kdy by měl stát lidem naopak ulevit, protože hospodářská situace se zhoršuje. Podle Markéty Šichtařové stát vlastně recesi ještě prohloubí tím, že ty, kdo jsou nejproduktivnější, kdo celý ten cirkus živí, tedy podnikatele a firmy, ještě víc zatíží. A když víc podusí ty, kdo živí úředníky a obecně státní zaměstnance, nemůžeme čekat, že se ekonomika zmátoří a budeme se všichni vespolek mít líp.

After Amazon Region Bishops Push for Married Priests, Pope Francis Urges Openness to Change

(VATICAN CITY) — On the heels of a bold call by Amazon region bishops for married men to become priests, Pope Francis is urging openness to new ways, and in a possible slap at conservative critics who fear he is weakening the Catholic church’s foundations, he cautions faithful against entering the “swampy waters of ideologies.”

At Mass Sunday in St. Peter’s Basilica to conclude a weeks-long Vatican meeting on the special needs of Catholics in that South American region, Francis thanked the bishops for their candor.

In follow-up remarks to faithful in St. Peter’s Square, he didn’t cite the vote a day earlier by a majority of the synod’s bishops to ordain married men in special circumstances in the region, where some faithful who want to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist don’t see priests for months, even years.

But Francis said he and other participants at the gathering, known as a synod, felt encouraged to “leave comfortable shores” in seeking new ways to carry out the church’s ..

‘He Died Like a Dog’: President Trump Announces ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Dies in U.S. Military Raid

ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed by U.S. special forces in a “daring nighttime raid” in northwest Syria, President Donald Trump announced Sunday morning.

“He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way,” Trump said. He added that al-Baghdadi had “dragged” three young children with him as he reached the end of a tunnel in the compound he was in. They died, along with al-Baghdadi, when the terrorist leader detonated a suicide vest, Trump said. Two wives of al-Baghdadi also died, he noted. He said they were both wearing suicide vests that had not detonated.

Al-Baghdadi’s body was mutilated by the blast but an on-site DNA test confirmed his identity, Trump said.

The President said no American personnel were lost or injured in the operation with the exception of one dog. Eleven young children had been moved out of the compound and were uninjured.

The operation began two weeks ago and, once complete, the special forces landed safe..

British Opposition Parties Propose Dec. 12 Election to Force Brexit Divorce Deal Delay

(LONDON) — Two British opposition parties on Sunday proposed an even earlier election date than Prime Minister Boris Johnson has offered, trying to force his government to delay a final decision on its European Union divorce deal.

The chess move by the Liberal Democrats and Scottish National Party reflects the volatile political landscape now in Britain.

The ruling Conservatives desperately want a new election to bolster their numbers in Parliament, but they face resistance from the main opposition Labour Party, which fears the country will be unwittingly tricked into crashing out of the European Union without a deal.

The latest election proposal is an effort to force Johnson to delay debate in Parliament on his Brexit withdrawal bill until after any election, depriving him of a possible victory on his trademark issue going into the campaign. It makes Johnson’s government choose between holding an election to improve its position in Parliament and its goal of securing Brexit before ..

Grospičova slova o okupaci jako roznětka ve studiu ČT: Filip a Stanjura se brutálně pohádali. Vyústilo to k ráně Zemanovi

Hosty první hodiny Otázek Václava Moravce ve studiu ČT byli předseda Sněmovny Radek Vondráček (ANO), předseda poslaneckého klubu ODS Zbyněk Stanjura a šéf KSČM Vojtěch Filip. Pánové si v diskusi nevěnovali nic zadarmo. Stanjura se o sobě dozvěděl, že je půlnoční kovboj. Na oplátku se pustil do Radka Vondráčka, že evidentně nechápe otázku daňového zatížení občanů. Filip obvinil pojišťovny, že vydírají český stát a bránil svobodu slova i pro svého kolegu Stanislava Grospiče.

Upálili nám pacienta, slečně ukousli kus čelisti, úrazy mačetou byly běžné, líčí medik misi v Keni

Většina světa žije v podmínkách jako lidé v Keni. Uvědomil jsem si, že v Evropě žijeme v bublině. Měli jsme zakázáno chodit ven po setmění, na první noční přišli lidé posekaní mačetami a ozbrojení. Nejhorší byla únava, saxofon jsem si na misi nebral, říká František Šalanda, medik a saxofonista, který se nedávno vrátil z mise v Keni. Jako Saxofrancis vystupoval v šestém nejlepším klubu světa.

Trump Keeps Talking About Syria’s Oil Fields. Here’s What’s Going On With Them

As the Trump administration pulls American troops away from Syria’s northern border, the President has repeatedly insisted that the region’s oil has been “secured,” even going so far as to suggest the United States is now responsible for the fate of the oil.

“We’ve secured the oil and, therefore, a small number of U.S. troops will remain in the area where they have the oil,” Trump said during an Oct. 23 press conference. “And we’re going to be protecting it, and we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”

Indeed, further complicating an already confusing shift in Washington’s Syria strategy, U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Thursday that an unspecified number of American troops and materiel are being sent to defend oil fields in eastern Syria held by Kurdish forces. They were key U.S. allies in the fight against ISIS, but the American withdrawal opened the door for Turkey, which views the main Kurdish militia in Syria as a threat, to launch an offensive ..

„Pocem, ty smrade!“ Flááák, nohy v luftu… Pirát si ve Sněmovně tajně nahrával poslance ANO. V restauraci. A to neměl dělat

Ta událost je už několik měsíců stará. Odehrála se v restauraci Poslanecké sněmovny, které se říká Pětka. A popsalo nám ji hned trio svědků. Dva poslanci, přičemž jeden už svůj mandát nedrží, a třetím mužem je vysoce postavený poradce. Důvod? Chtěli prý ukázat, jak se někteří členové Pirátů chovají mimo světla kamer.