Na stranu Trikolóry přistoupil známý generál. A bouchl do stolu: Násilné snahy o multikulturní společnost a prosazování „jediného dobra“…

ROZHOVOR Další z významných osobností se netají sympatiemi a podporou hnutí Trikolóra. Bývalý ministr obrany Miroslav Kostelka to vysvětluje tím, že má v úctě historii našeho národa, uznává pojmy jako rodina, obec a národní stát. Příčí se mu, že část mladé generace vzešlé z některých vysokých škol se místo produktivní činnosti uchyluje k mentorování a posuzování demokraticky zvolených institucí a života společnosti z pozic politických neziskových organizací. K negativním dopadům nezvládnuté masivní migrace do Evropy říká, že čelní politici si je také uvědomují, ale běh věcí už nemají pod kontrolou.

Russian Scientists Show Off 18,000-Year-Old Prehistoric Puppy Perfectly Preserved in Permafrost

(YAKUTSK, Russia) — Russian scientists on Monday showed off a prehistoric puppy, believed to be 18,000 years old, found in permafrost in the country’s Far East.

Discovered last year in a lump of frozen mud near the city of Yakutsk, the puppy is unusually well-preserved, with its hair, teeth, whiskers and eyelashes still intact.

“This puppy has all its limbs, pelage – fur, even whiskers. The nose is visible. There are teeth. We can determine due to some data that it is a male,” Nikolai Androsov, director of the Northern World private museum where the remains are stored, said at the presentation at the Yakutsk’s Mammoth Museum which specializes in ancient specimens.

In recent years, Russia’s Far East has provided many riches for scientists studying the remains of ancient animals. As the permafrost melts, affected by climate change, more and more parts of woolly mammoths, canines and other prehistoric animals are being discovered. Often it is mammoth tusk hunters who discover them.


What to Know About the 2019 NATO Summit

When the leaders of 29 countries gather in London at the NATO summit on Dec. 3, the future of military cooperation in the Western world will be top of the agenda.

That’s because, on its 70th anniversary, the military alliance’s future looks less certain than ever.

NATO was founded in the wake of the Second World War by the U.S. and the main European powers as a means of military defense against Soviet Russia. Its founding members pledged that an attack on one would be considered an attack on all, and that each ally would retaliate against the aggressor.

But the world in 2019 looks very different to how it did in 1949. NATO has been slow to adapt to a changing world, and the leaders assembling in London know it. The alliance was conceived as a defense against Russian military force, but the rise of China has shifted the balance. It matured as a forum for military cooperation and coordination, but President Donald Trump has often acted unilaterally — for instance withdrawing U.S. troo..

The Samoan Government Will Shut Down to Help Stop a Dangerous Measles Outbreak

As the measles virus continues to spread worldwide, Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi announced Monday that Samoa will take the dramatic step of closing its government for two days this week to assist with a public vaccination campaign.

Aside from 2019, Samoa has reported almost no cases of measles to the World Health Organization (WHO) in recent years. But vaccine coverage in the small nation is lacking, partially attributable to public concern following two vaccine-related deaths that occurred in 2018 due to faulty formulas, the WHO reports. As of 2018, only 31% of children had received one of two doses of the measles vaccine, allowing the virus to spread rapidly. A total of 3,728 people, nearly 2% of Samoa’s population, have contracted measles during the current outbreak, including nearly 200 in the past day alone, according to a government statement on Dec. 1. Fifty-three people have died from measles, and the outbreak was declared an emergency on Nov. ..

Staří budou živit mladé? Zapadlo. V ODS to bublá: „Jak za Nečase,“ udeřila známá tvář

Bývalý ministr průmyslu a obchodu za ODS Martin Kuba zkritizoval nový volební program své strany. Šlo hlavně o odpuštění daně pro pracující mladší 26 let. „Myslím si, že žádná společnost nemá připustit, aby se mladí zdraví pracující lidé, nepodíleli na jejím společném fungování. Vždyť je to šílená myšlenka,“ napsal. Navíc prý není jediný z ODS, kdo s tím nesouhlasí. „Může se stát, že řada firem se bude ‚přepisovat‘ na mladé, protože ti nebudou muset danit nic. Myslím, že je tu řada nedořešených otázek,“ upozornil na úskalí programu.

„Nora nezklamala!“ ČT a kauza „kšá, neziskovky“: Zásadní info. A je zle

V pořadu 168 hodin byla reportáž o základní škole v Bystrci. Tam se konal projekt Lékařů bez hranic. „Rada městské části Brno-Bystrc zásadně nesouhlasí s působením a propagací politicky zaměřených neziskových organizací,“ zaznělo z místní radnice. „Chtěli jsme deklarativně říct, že politické neziskové organizace nepatří na půdu škol, to je všechno,“ okomentoval to starosta Kratochvíl z ČSSD, který se objevil i na akci Islám v ČR nechceme. „Nechápu, co může být politického na zachraňování lidských životů a na poskytování lékařské pomoci,“ postěžoval si ředitel českých Lékařů bez hranic. Mají neziskovky na školách útrum?

„Zásadní informace. Pitomci?“ Babišův audit: Drama pokračuje. Je to vážné

Audit, který přišel z Evropské komise, je prý konečný, i přes námitky ministryně Kláry Dostálové. A Andreje Babiše už tepe Miroslav Kalousek s Pavlem Teličkou. Kalousek vyzývá Jana Hamáčka: „Aby se vyjádřil, a konal.“ Jinak prý Hamáček bude nést vinu. Pavel Telička už mluví o rezignaci pro Kláru Dostálovou. A Šafr tvrdí, že by premiér měl přestat dělat z lidí pitomce.

Hong Kong Democracy Slogans Heard at Mainland Chinese Protest: Report

Slogans of Hong Kong’s democratic movement have been reportedly heard at protests in a Chinese city 60 miles to the west.

According to Hong Kong-based Apple Daily—a vocal supporter of the democracy campaign in Hong Kong—chants of “Liberate Maoming! Revolution of our times!” were heard during several days of protest in Maoming.

The chant is a take on the “Liberate Hong Kong” slogan commonly used during protests across the border, where anti-government demonstrations have raged since June.

Protestors also reportedly told Apple Daily reporters that their movement was “just like you [in] Hong Kong.” Both cities share a common Cantonese language.

In confrontations that began last week, Maoming protesters pelted police with bricks and set off fireworks, forcing authorities to announce Sunday that they would not be building a crematorium on plot of unused land in the area. The long-running plan had infuriated residents, who had been promised an ecological park on the same site.

Protests ..

‘I Don’t Trust Anyone At All.’ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Speaks Out on Trump, Putin and a Divided Europe

Hardly six months into his tenure as the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky has already learned to temper his expectations. He does not expect his first round of peace talks with Russia, which are scheduled to take place in Paris on Dec. 9, to end the war that has been raging along their border for the past five years. Nor does he expect too much from his Western allies going into these negotiations, Zelensky said in a wide-ranging interview on Saturday.

Speaking to reporters from TIME and three of Europe’s leading publications, the President explained that, despite getting caught up in the impeachment inquiry now unfolding in Washington, D.C., Ukraine still needs the support of the United States.

Otherwise his country does not stand much of a chance, Zelensky said, in its effort to get back the territory Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014, starting with the Crimean Peninsula. Nor can Ukraine rely on steady financial support from abroad if President Donald Trump and his allies ..