South Korean Actor Cha In-ha’s Death Highlights String of K-Pop Tragedies

South Korean actor Cha In-ha was found dead in his home, police said Wednesday, making him the third young entertainer to die in the country in the last two months.

Police said the 27-year-old’s cause of death is not yet known, reports Reuters.

Cha, whose real name was Lee Jae-ho, made his film debut in 2017 and was previously a member of K-pop group Surprise U, which released two albums, according to Reuters.

The day before his death, the up-and-coming actor left an Instagram post urging fans to take care of themselves in the cold winter.

Cha’s talent agency, Fantagio, released a statement expressing “deep mourning for his passing.” It also cautioned against spreading rumors about what had happened to him.

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A post shared by 차인하 (@chainha_715) on Nov 10, 2019 at 4:35am PST

The news about Cha comes after the recent deaths of two prominent female K-pop idols. On Nov. 24, 28-year-old Goo Hara was found dead in her Seoul home, while Sulli, 25..

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Sound familiar? Of course it does. Scientists, the United Nations (UN) and activists have been delivering variations of this message for more years than most of us care to remember, and their voices have only grown louder. Still, the world has not heeded their warnings. We have procrastinated, thinking we can catch up later. But now the hard deadline for serious action is upon us.

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Hitlerovci bojovali proti komunistům! Postaví jim pomník? Právník o Pavlu Novotném. A o Babišovu auditu: Tam je prý vše jinak

ROZHOVOR Audit EK je pro Andreje Babiše spíše žlutá karta, myslí si právník a vysokoškolský pedagog JUDr. Petr Kolman. Myslí si, že premiérův výrok o zkorumpovaných udavačích z Česka je přehnaný, nicméně dodává: „Je pravda, že mnozí Babišovi političtí konkurenti za pomoci Bruselu a různých neziskovek tzv. mydlí premiérovi schody.“ A peníze z Bruselu? „Nesmíme se dostat do pozice ponížených prosebníků, kteří žádají o vrácení části svých financí,“ varuje Kolman. A poté se věnuje Pavlu Novotnému (ODS), který svým nápadem postavit sochu vlasovcům způsobil poprask v ruské státní televizi. Radost nebude mít ani Novotný, ani Petr Fiala.

U.K. Government Taken to Court Over Refusal to Issue Gender Neutral Passports

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But the ruling is being appealed today at the U.K. Court of Appeal, in a case being brought by non-gendered activist Christie Elan-Cane. The hearing is expected to last two days.

Under current legislation, when applying for a U.K. passport, applicants must indicate whether they are male or female — affording no provision for those who do not identify with a gender. Elan-Cane argues that this is in breach of the right to respect for private life and the right to identify as non-gendered under the European Convention for Human Rights (ECHR).

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