At 34, Sanna Marin Is the World’s Youngest Sitting Head of Government

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Finland’s next government is breaking the mold in multiple ways.

Sanna Marin, the 34-year-old transport minister, was tapped over the weekend by the ruling Social Democratic Party to be Finland’s new prime minister. When she takes the reins of the country, most likely on Tuesday, she will become the world’s youngest sitting head of government.

In another unusual development, Marin will head a coalition with four other parties that are all led by women — three of whom are in their early 30s. Her own biography also breaks the mold: Raised by a single mother, she has described feeling discriminated against in Finland when her mother was in a relationship with another woman.

Elina Penttinen, a lecturer in gender studies at the University of Helsinski, said the rise of so many women is “exceptional” not only by the standards of the wider world, where older men hold most power, but even by the standards of Finland, which regularly ranks as one of the best countr..

6 Dead After Mass Shooting at Czech Hospital

(PRAGUE) — Six people were killed and three more wounded in a shooting in a hospital in the eastern Czech Republic Tuesday, the prime minister and officials said. The apparent suspect later shot himself dead as police approached his car.

Prime Minister Andrej Babis told Czech public television the shooting took place around 7 a.m. in a waiting room. The attacker opened fire at people’s heads from close range, Babis said. He said he was heading for the site, at the University hospital in the eastern city of Ostrava, 350 kilometers (220 miles) east of Prague.

Interior Minister Jan Hamacek said police found the suspect’s car and he shot himself in the head as they approached and died from his injuries about half an hour later. Hamacek said police will be investigating his motive.

“I’d like to assure the public that there’s no danger anymore,” Hamacek said.

Police identified the suspect as a 42-year-old man. Several hundred police officers had launched an extensive manhunt, using two h..

Chilean Military Plane, Carrying 38 People, Missing En Route to Antarctica

(SANTIAGO, Chile) — Chile’s air force lost radio contact with a transport plane carrying 38 people on a flight Monday evening to the country’s base in Antarctica, and authorities indicated several hours later that they were not optimistic about the aircraft’s fate. The military said earlier that it had declared an alert and activated search and rescue teams.

The C-130 Hercules carried 17 crew members and 21 passengers, including three civilians. The personnel were to check on a floating fuel supply line and other equipment at the Chilean base.

President Sebastián Piñera said via Twitter that he was with his defense and interior ministers at the air force headquarters monitoring developments.

In a statement early Tuesday, the air force said the plane had not been heard from in more than seven hours and likely would have run out of fuel around 12:40 a.m. The air force “continues the search in the sector where communication with the aircraft was lost, in order to rescue potential survi..

Babišovi nepřátelé, nečtěte. Slavný Čech má blbé zprávy. Prý jste v háji

Dnes se bude konat další z demonstrací proti Babišovi. Ovšem podle herního vývojáře Daniela Vávry to těžko něco změní, což vyplývá i z průzkumů. „Strategie zbavit se ho přes vlekoucí se soudní tahanice, do kterých se zatahuje EU a nikoho nezajímají, protože 250 milionů se v Praze rozkrade při každé druhé revitalizaci parku, a demonstrace, na kterých vystupují lidé jako facebookový udavač Kartous, jaksi nefungují,“ říká. Podle něho bude v další vládě ANO, Trikolóra a ODS. Nebo něco horšího.

Kulka za kulku? Střelba v Ostravě: Drsná slova. Nový vývoj. Policie i Babiš v akci

Ve Fakultní nemocnici Ostrava se ozvala střelba. Policisté na místě činu hlásí několik mrtvých. Budova nemocnice je postupně evakuována a pacienti, kteří zůstávají v objektu, mají zakázáno vycházet z pokojů. Došlo také k omezení výuky v sousedním vysokoškolském areálu. V akci je Útvar rychlého nasazení a stranou nezůstává stát ani premiér Andrej Babiš (ANO). Mrtvých je zatím šest, původně avizovaný „muž v červené bundě“ není dle policie pachatel, ale jen svědek.

„Vyvraždili půl Evropy. A nám budou nařizovat?“ Spisovatel ke 30 letům svobody. Silná slova

30 LET OD LISTOPADU 89 „Lidé ani neumějí být svobodní, chovají se stádně, neustále je někdo naviguje, vlastní úsudek se vytrácí, neboť si člověk neví rady ani sám se sebou,“ zamýšlí se spisovatel a scenárista Josef Urban, když pro Parlamentní hodnotí uplynulých 30 let od sametové revoluce. „Vždycky jsem se smál tomu heslu, ‚když nevolíš, volíš komunisty‘. Na ty se neustále vymlouváme. Nemám důvod je hájit, ale je to po třiceti letech anachronismus. To bychom takhle taky mohli stále plakat nad Bílou horou,“ upozorňuje.

U.S. Backs Out of U.N. Meeting on Human Rights Situation in North Korea

(UNITED NATIONS) — The United States changed its mind and is now refusing to sign a letter that would have authorized the U.N. Security Council to hold a meeting on the human rights situation in North Korea, diplomats said Monday.

Without support from the United States, European and other countries that wanted the U.N.’s most powerful body to discuss human rights in North Korea can’t go ahead Tuesday because they are now one vote short of the minimum nine “yes” votes required, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because discussions were private.

North Korea’s U.N. ambassador, Kim Song, sent a letter to all 14 council members except the U.S. last Wednesday warning that holding a meeting on its human rights would be “another serious provocation” resulting from America’s “hostile policy.” Kim said a meeting would increase tensions on the Korean peninsula, and the North would “respond strongly to the last.”

A U.S. State Department spokesperson, asked about the human r..

We Can Help Poor People by Treating Them With Respect

Abhijit remembers walking into a meeting at the EU headquarters and immediately noticing that this was very different from the ones he was used to. No suits, no ties, no high heels; lined faces, scruffy winter jackets, and also an eagerness he associated with college freshmen in their first week. These were people, he was told, who had experienced extreme poverty and were still very poor. They wanted to participate in a conversation about what the poor wanted.

It turned out to be nothing like anything he had ever encountered before. People quickly intervened and talked about their lives and about the nature of poverty and the failings of policy, drawing on their own experiences. Abhijit tried to respond, trying at first to be as delicate as possible when he disagreed. He soon realized he was being patronizing; they were in no way less sophisticated or less able to argue back than he was.

He left with enormous respect for ATD Fourth World, the organization that had convened the meetin..

Police Defuse Two Homemade Bombs Being Stored at a Hong Kong High School

Police in Hong Kong said they deactivated two home-made bombs Monday that were being hidden at a high school.

The bombs were “complete, fully functional and ready to be used” radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (IEDs), police told local media.

“These devices had only one function — to kill and maim people,” Alick McWhirter, a senior bomb disposal officer, said at a press conference late on Monday night.

The devices — which contained about 22 pounds of two different types of explosives — were reportedly found by a janitor at the prestigious private school Wah Yan College. Officers said they believe the devices were being hidden at the school and were not intended to be used there.

The school said there was no evidence linking the bombs to students or staff members.

Read More: Anti-Government Protests Have Rocked Hong Kong for Six Months. Here’s a Look Back at the Major Developments

Detonators made from cell phones connected to circuit boards were also found. The devices ..