Milione chvilek, je to zlé: Jde o Babiše. Možná něco musíte upravit…

Volání „estébák, estébák“ patřilo tak nějak ke koloritu demonstrací Milionu chvilek pro demokracii. Nicméně, zda se jedná o pravdivé či nepravdivé nařčení rozhodují soudy slovenské. Naposledy Ústavní soud, který celou věc vrátil na krajský soud a zrušil předchozí rozsudky. Dle Eduarda Bárányho, bývalého místopředsedy slovenského Ústavního soudu Slovenské republiky došlo k zajímavému novému vývoji.

U.S. Drops Designation of China as Currency Manipulator

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is dropping its designation of China as a currency manipulator in advance of the signing Wednesday of a Phase 1 U.S.-China trade agreement.

The preliminary pact that the two sides are set to sign includes a section that’s intended to prevent China from manipulating its currency to gain trade advantages.

The action announced Monday comes five months after the Trump administration had branded China a currency manipulator — the first time that any country had been so named since 1994 during the Clinton administration.

Even while removing China from its currency black list, the Treasury Department does name China as one of 10 countries it says require placement on a watch list that will mean their currency practices will be closely monitored. In addition to China, the countries on that monitoring list are Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland and Vietnam.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the administrat..

Russian Agents Hacked Ukrainian Company at Center of Impeachment Probe, Security Firm Says

(BOSTON) — A U.S. cybersecurity company says Russian military agents successfully hacked the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the scandal that led to President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

Russian agents launched a phishing campaign in early November aimed at stealing the login credentials for employees of Burisma Holdings, the gas company, according to Area 1 Security, a Silicon Valley company that specializes in e-mail security.

Hunter Biden, son of former U.S. vice president and Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, previously served on Burisma’s board.

It was not clear from an eight-page report posted online by Area 1 what the hackers were looking for or may have obtained. Company officials did not immediately respond to e-mailed questions. The timing of the operation suggests, however, that the Russian agents could be searching for material that could damage the Bidens.

The House of Representatives impeached Trump in December for abusing the power of his office by en..

Gustáv Murín: Clinton? Vzpomeňte, co se mu stalo. Jde o Írán. Pravda o Gretě. A co se říká o Čaputové

ROZHOVOR Západní média, vydatně podporovaná politiky, si vybrala duševně ne zcela vyzrálou švédskou aktivistku Gretu Thunbergovou, aby vyhysterizovala kampaň, o které nikdo nemůže říci, jestli nebude v konečném důsledku kontraproduktivní. Slovenský přírodovědec Gustáv Murín uvádí jako názorný příklad slabomyslnosti této kampaně slogan o „nulové uhlíkové stopě“. Publicista a spisovatel hledá souvislost mezi zabitím íránského generála Kásima Sulejmáního a bombardováním Jugoslávie a nachází ji v impeachmentu, kterému čelil tehdejší prezident Bill Clinton i nynější Donald Trump. K blížícím se volbám na Slovensku dodává v zemi kolující zvěst, že prezidentka Zuzana Čaputová poruší pravidlo o vítězi voleb a Smeru-SD nedá ani jen šanci na sestavení vlády.

Thailand Confirms Traveler from China Hospitalized With New Form of Coronavirus, According to U.N. Officials

(BANGKOK) — A Chinese visitor to Thailand has been confirmed to be infected with a new strain of coronavirus that has been linked to a pneumonia outbreak in central China, health officials said Monday.

The U.N.’s World Health Organization said Thai officials have reported that a traveler from the Chinese city of Wuhan has been hospitalized in Thailand with the virus.

The outbreak of the virus has been traced to Wuhan, where it affected several dozen people who had been to a major meat and seafood market.

Thai Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said it appears to be the first confirmed case of the virus found outside China, the Bangkok Post newspaper and other Thai media reported.

He identified the infected tourist as a 61-year-old woman whose symptoms were detected on arrival at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport last Wednesday. Her coronavirus was confirmed Sunday by a laboratory test, Anutin said.

She has been treated at an isolation ward at a state health facility outside o..

History Shows What’s Wrong With the Idea That War Is ‘Normal’ in the Middle East

In the days of tension that have followed the U.S. airstrike that took out Iran’s Gen. Qasem Soleimani, an old trope about the Middle East has reared its ugly head. On Wednesday on Fox News, former Deputy National Security adviser K.T. MacFarland repeated it when she claimed that in “…the Middle East, they’ve been fighting for 4,000 years. It’s been an ethno-sectarian battle and psychodrama, and they’ve been killing each other for millennia. Their normal state of condition is war.”

This trope is frequently turned to by those who would have the world believe that war in the Middle East is somehow innate and inevitable. But a look at the history of the region reveals that it’s simply not true. People in the Middle East haven’t “been killing each other” at any rate that exceeds average human levels of conflict. Indeed, the region that lays claim to being the “cradle of civilization” had developed quite, well, civilized and complex systems of compromise and coexistence that allowed its di..