Babiše „vypnuli“ na ČT. Pak obraz naskočil a v EU si vyslechli svoje, hlavně o migraci

Premiéři zemí Visegrádské čtyřky se ve čtvrtek v Praze sešli s rakouským kancléřem Sebastianem Kurzem. Odpoledne předstoupili před novináře. Babiš tak moc děkoval svým kolegům premiérům za návštěvu Prahy, až to zřejmě kamery České televize nevydržely a nastal krátký výpadek. Místo svého premiéra diváci viděli jen černou obrazovku. Ale Babiš se po chvilce na obrazovky vrátil a vyslal vzkaz do EU ohledně migrace. Ke slovu se dostal také maďarský premiér Viktor Orbán.

The Reason Fossil Fuel Companies Are Finally Reckoning with Climate Change

A peculiar theme park in the Hague celebrates the history of the Netherlands through a series of miniature models. The Madurodam features little canals, old-fashioned windmills, tiny tulips and, amid it all, an homage to Royal Dutch Shell, the oil giant that is the biggest company in the country and, by revenue, the second largest publicly traded oil-and-gas company in the world. There’s a Shell drilling platform, a Shell gas station and a Shell natural-gas field, complete with a drilling rig. The display is at once odd–energy infrastructure in a children’s theme park–and entirely fitting: Shell has been, for decades, one of the most powerful players both in Dutch politics and on the global economic stage.

But that could soon change. As concerns grow over the existential challenges posed by climate change, Shell must grapple with its own existential crisis: How should a company that generates most of its profits by serving the world’s enormous appetite for oil navigate a long-term fut..

Why Iran’s Regime Is Facing Renewed Protests After the Ukraine Airlines Plane Crash

It took three days for Iran to admit the truth. Hours after it launched missiles at bases in Iraq that house U.S. troops on Jan. 8, a Ukraine International Airlines passenger jet bound for Kyiv crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all 176 on board. Iranian officials suggested the cause was technical failure but backtracked on Jan. 11, saying “human error” had led its military to shoot down the plane and blaming “U.S. adventurism” for creating the situation. Angry and distrustful, Iranians poured onto the streets as footage circulated of protesters chanting, “Death to the dictator.”

Sentiment Swing

Days earlier, millions of Iranians had gathered in grief and rage after a U.S. airstrike killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani on Jan. 3. But the feeling shifted when it seemed Tehran was trying to cover up its role in the crash. “We are not citizens. We never were,” one of Iran’s most popular actors, Taraneh Alidoosti, wrote to her nearly 6 million Instagram followers o..

Ukraine Opens Investigation Into Possible Surveillance of Former U.S. Ambassador

(KYIV, Ukraine) — Ukrainian police say they have opened an investigation into the possibility that the former U.S. ambassador came under illegal surveillance before she was recalled from her post.

The announcement Thursday came two days after Democratic lawmakers in the United States released a trove of documents that showed Lev Parnas, an associate of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, communicating about the removal of Marie Yovanovitch as the ambassador to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry, which runs the police forces, said in a statement that Ukrainian police “are not interfering in the internal political affairs of the United States.”

“However, the published messages contain facts of possible violations of Ukrainian law and of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, which protect the rights of diplomats on the territory of another state,” the statement continued.

Kauza Nagyová: Kec! Kabelky, zlato? Šlachta musel mlčet, ale teď řekl pravdu. I co si myslí o Nečasovi

Robert Šlachta byl hostem XTV a Xavera Veselého. Byl rád, že může prezentovat i svou verzi pohledu na věc. Mínil, že v kauze Nagyová byly schválně nafouknuty kabelky, aby došlo k bagatelizaci. Mluvilo se také o zabaveném zlatu. Výroky Ivana Langera na svou adresu označil Šlachta za scestné a o Janu Hamáčkovi také neměl valné mínění. Prý se mu z něj zvedá žaludek.

Berou nám armádu. Hrozí střílení do lidí, udeřil analytik Štefec. Protože si přečetl…

K nákupu vojenských vrtulníků ze Spojených států se na svém facebookovém profilu vyjádřil analytik Jaroslav Štefec. Vláda totiž začátkem tohoto roku vyčlenila peníze na jejich pořízení. Změnila tak vládní usnesení z května 2017 a výdaje na program rozvoje vzdušných sil do roku 2026 zvýšila z 24,6 miliardy na 36 miliard korun. Návrh kabinetu předložil ministr obrany Lubomír Metnar (za ANO), sdělil ČTK Jakub Fajnor z tiskového oddělení Ministerstva obrany.