President Trump Skips G-7 Climate Discussion as World Leaders Address Amazon Fires, Carbon Emissions

(BIARRITZ, France) — U.S. President Donald Trump skipped a discussion on climate with other world leaders at the Group of Seven summit in France, leaving an empty chair as global power brokers debated how to help the fire-ravaged Amazon and reduce carbon emissions.

Trump was scheduled to attend Monday’s session on climate, biodiversity and oceans at the G-7 summit in Biarritz, but didn’t. French President Emmanuel Macron, the summit host, said Trump’s aides were there instead. Trump is a climate change skeptic who once had claimed it’s a hoax that was invented by the Chinese. His decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate accord has severely damaged global efforts to reduce emissions.

Trump started the morning behind schedule, and held one-on-one meetings while others were in the climate discussions. However, one of his interlocutors, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, managed to make it to the climate meeting.

Trump then met with India’s Prime Minister Narendr..

‘Each Country Can Have Their Own Villa.’ Trump Suggests Hosting 2020 G-7 Summit at His Miami Golf Resort

(Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump said he doesn’t expect to make money if the U.S. hosts next year’s Group of Seven summit at his Trump Doral golf resort, even as he delivered an extended sales pitch to hold the meeting at his Miami property.

“Each country can have their own villa, or their own bungalow” if the meeting is at Doral, Trump said Monday at the end of the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France. The U.S. is next in the rotation to host the annual meeting of world leaders, which will occur in the middle of the 2020 presidential campaign. “I don’t want to make any money,” said Trump.

Earlier in the day, Trump ticked off advantages of holding a global summit in the Sunshine State of Florida. “It’s very big,” and it’s Miami, “so it’s a great area.” He told German Chancellor Angela Merkel, sitting next to him, that she’d have just a three-minute helicopter ride from the airport to the site.

“People are really liking it,” Trump said.

Joe Raedle—Getty ImagesThe front entrance to the..

How Trump Unwittingly Paved the Way for a Climate Change Breakthrough at the G-7

For years, leaders in the fight against climate change have sought to use international trade as a weapon, pushing world leaders to penalize countries that aren’t stemming warming emissions by restricting trade with them on the global market. But for the most part, the measures have gained little traction.

Last week, that changed. As tens of thousands of fires engulfed the Amazon, the European Union threatened to block a landmark trade deal with Brazil and ban imports of Brazilian beef if the country’s right-wing leader, Jair Bolsonaro, didn’t act. Within days of the threat, and as G-7 leaders prepared to discuss the matter in France, Bolsonaro buckled, abandoning his passive approach to the crisis and sending more than 40,000 troops to fight the fires.

The trade fight over the Amazon represents a little noticed, but important development in the fight against climate change. As countries diverge in their efforts to combat climate change, with some expending significant resources and ..

Historik: Normalizaci tu nedělali Sověti, ale Češi a Slováci. Dnes vše místo strany řídí firma

„Za normalizaci nemohli Sověti,“ zdůraznil lidem letos historik Jan Nedvěd, že za tragické události před padesáti lety, po srpnu 1969, nelze už pranýřovat Rusy. Připomněl pátý okupační den, kvůli kterému se někteří hrdinové dostali do blázince. K tomu souvislosti se Zemanem, Agrofertem a největší prohřešek komunistů. Promluvil dějepisec, který podporuje Piráty, tvoří historické komiksy a vydal knihu „Neskloníme hlavy“.

Rozhlasový radní Jan Krůta, „oblíbenec“ kavárny: Čelím útokům, které jsou vedené jak podle osnovy. Mediální hyeny se cítí jako hvězdy

ROZHOVOR Po zvolení do Rady Českého rozhlasu musel textař, spisovatel a publicista Jan Krůta čelit útočným článkům na svou osobu, které byly psány podle jedné, možná předem dané, osnovy. V nové funkci chce po dlouhodobé autorské a kratší moderátorské spolupráci s Českým rozhlasem zúročit poznatky i zkušenosti z nekonečných rozhovorů s rozhlasáky v zákulisí. Přemýšlí nad tím, jak se vyznat v informační mlze, ale nevěří tomu, že konzumenti mediálních výstupů jsou ovce, které spasou kdejakou stráň. V souvislosti s blížícím se výročím 17. listopadu přidává svou osobní vzpomínku na osamocenost Václava Havla na konci jeho životní cesty.

Dotace škodí umění, pravil Jan Hrušínský a hned si o dvě zažádal. A obě dostal

Ředitel Divadla Na Jezerce Jan Hrušínský dotace označil za škůdce kvalitního umění, který brání přirozenému zániku divadel. Výsledkem pak je předotovanost a nevyváženost tržního prostředí. To konstatoval ve dva roky starém rozhovoru pro rádio ZET. Nebyl to ovšem jediný ostřejší pohled tímto směrem. K dotacím se negativně postavil už v roce 2008 během rozhovoru pro iDnes, který doposud naleznete pod titulkem „Jezerka dokazuje, že kulturu lze dělat bez dotací“.

Poslankyně Balaštíková: Gretu stvořila energetická lobby. A zmatení politici úplně zapomněli na zdravý rozum

ROZHOVOR „Slyšíme volání, že patříme na Západ, ale kdy tam tedy konečně budeme patřit i ve mzdách?“ ptá se poslankyně hnutí ANO (a také ředitelka hřebčína v Napajedlích) Margit Balaštíková v rozhovoru pro Parlamentní K současným protestům mládeže po vzoru Grety Thungergové uvádí: „Tažení Grety stvořila energetická lobby. Jedná se o flagrantní zneužití dítěte k prosazování zájmů podnikatelské skupiny. Ochrana životního prostředí je tedy jen zástěrkou k ‚pobláznění‘ lidí a tedy nelétání letadlem nebo daň z masa a podobné nesmysly jsou jen křečovitými reakcemi zmatených bezradných mainstreamových politiků, kteří se přestali řídit zdravým rozumem.“ K situaci ve vládě říká, že kdyby ji ČSSD opustila, nemá obavy o osud celé vlády.

A Giant Raft of Volcanic Rock From an Underwater Eruption Could Help Revive the Great Barrier Reef

A mass of floating pumice so large it’s being tracked via satellite is making its way to Australia, and with it a range of marine organisms including corals that could help restore the threatened Great Barrier Reef.

The giant sheet of rock — around 58 square miles — is the result of an underwater volcanic eruption near the Pacific archipelago of Tonga two weeks ago, Australia’s ABC News reports.

“We’re going to have millions of individual corals and lots of other organisms all coming in together with the potential of finding new homes along our coastline,” Queensland University of Technology geologist Associate Professor Scott Bryan said.

Barnacles, corals, crabs and snails are among the organisms Bryan said will hitch a ride on the pumice “raft” when it washes up along Australia’s coastline in less than a year. “[The raft] is a natural mechanism for species to colonize, restock and grow in a new environment,” he added.

The world’s largest coral reef, home to a variety of marine li..

The Real Reason the Amazon Is On Fire

On the afternoon of Aug. 19, the sky over São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, went dark. A cold front combined with ash from forest fires in the Amazon rainforest and formed ominous clouds that blocked out the sun. Photos of the blackened sky began to pop on Twitter, and soon the world was paying attention to the blazes rampaging across the forest called “the lungs of the world.” Many blame President Jair Bolsonaro’s rhetoric as the central factor in the crisis. Less obvious are the ways the conflagration stems from years of slashing government budgets for the environment and dismantling support for indigenous and traditional subsistence communities.

For example, Bolsonaro’s predecessor, Michel Temer, reorganized the government and wielded his budget scissors liberally. Temer downgraded a ministry focused on supporting sustainable family farms and chopped funds for environmental protections and science. In 2017, Temer cut the federal science budget by 44% and took nearly the same amount..

G7 Countries Commit $20 Million to Help Fight Amazon Rainforest Wildfires

BIARRITZ, France — G-7 countries have agreed to an immediate $20 million fund to help Amazon countries fight wildfires and launch a long-term global initiative to protect the rainforest.

The announcement came from French President Emmanuel Macron, the host of this year’s meeting of G-7 leaders, and the Chilean President Sebastián Piñera. Macron said that the Amazon represents the “lungs” of the planet and that leaders were studying the possibility of similar support in Africa, also suffering from fires in its rainforests.

Macron said the U.S. supported the initiative, although he acknowledged that U.S. President Donald Trump had skipped Monday’s working session on the environment.

Satellites have recorded more than 41,000 fires in the Amazon region so far this year — with more than half of those coming this month alone. Experts say most of the fires are set by farmers or ranchers clearing existing farmland.